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President of the Republic of Ireland    Preparations for the next presidential e C-ptsd Injuries, Government Bullying, Impunity, Presidential Authority, Unconstitutional Legislation, Universal Declaration Of Human Rights 09-11-2010 View Modify
Group of UK parliamentarians informed about global banking fraud    Thanks mainly to the fact that the "main Anti-democratic, Banking Crime, Banking Crisis, Banking Fraud, C-ptsd Injuries, Democracy, Disability, Doctrine Of The Tripartite Separation Of Powers, Global Financial Collapse, Globalization, Globalization-WTO-WB-etc, Government Bullying, Groups-Cultures, History, People, Power, Universal Deceleration Of Human Rights 09-02-2010 View Modify  
"Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act."    "That is why the Athenian law makers so Banking, Banks, Civilization, Civilization, Controversy, Crime, Crime, Danger, Duty, Einstein, Help, History, History, Humanity, Independent, Information, Internet, Internet, Law, Law, Money, NATURE, Other, People, People, Politicians, Privilege, Privilege, Rights, State, Time, Will 08-10-2010 View Modify  
"The most important legal decision ever decided"    "Every True American owes it to himself/ Anti-democratic, Crime, Criminal, Crisis, Decision-making, Freedom, Government, Investigation, Legal Representation, Legislation, Money, Reality, Rights, Security, Slavery, State, Theft 07-22-2010 View Modify  
Still tinkering with the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause    Not only will tinkering with the symptom Cause, Corruption, Law, Police, Problem, Symptom-substitution 07-16-2010 View Modify  
The New Master Race    I would argue that "The New Master Race" Democracy, Democracy, Judges, Law, Laws, Masters, Money, Money, Money, Power, Shakespeare, Veterans 07-09-2010 View Modify  
"Rule of Law" is what humanity needs, and "Rule by Law" is what it's getting ...    An "Anniversary E-mail" (of sorts) on th Ancient, Democracy, Democracy, Democratic Legislation, Destruction, Einstein, Environmental Legislation, Law, Law And Order, Law Enforcement, Legislation, Oil, People, Protestors, Resources, Rule Of Law, Torture AntiTorture Legislation, Tyranny, Unconstitutional Legislation 07-04-2010 View Modify  
"Rule of Law" and "Rule by Law"    "Rule OF Law" and "Rule BY Law" are two Bullying, Government, Government, Impunity, Law, Law, Law And Order, Law Enforcement, Law-Legal-Torts, Laws, Laws, Media, Police, Politicians, Rule Of Law 07-02-2010 View Modify  
Efforts to undermine certain extremely serious and socially destructive government cover-ups    Scanned copies of the printed and signed Authority, Banking, C-ptsd, Control, Cover-ups, God, Government, Government Accountability Office, Government Contractors, Government Corruption, Government Fraud, Government Industry Collusion, Government Intrusion, Government Services, Government Suppression, Government Takeover, Government Transparency, Government-sponsored Terrorism, Help, Internet, Internet, Judges, Law, Law, Legislation, Money, Money, Money, Other, Reference, Rights, State, Suffering, Suffering 06-24-2010 View Modify  
Payments stopped    Among the several other socially disastr C-ptsd, Consequences, Crisis, Disability, Fear, Government, Help, Hospital, Law, Legislation, Psychiatrists, Psychopath, Rights, Suffering, Suffering, Target, Torture, Torture, Trauma, Trauma, Trouble, Trust, Welfare 06-16-2010 View Modify  
The "administrative psychopath" in (and around) governments ...    "Lack of knowledge of, or unwillingness Administrative Issues, Administrative Punishment, Bankers, Cause, Connection, Deception, Deception, Denial, Denial, Difficulty, Doing, EVIL, Evil, Existence, FOCUS, Focus, Gain, Government, Government Accountability Office, Government Contractors, Government Corruption, Government Industry Collusion, Government Insanity, Government Intrusion, Government Kidnapping, Government Services, Government Spending, Government Takeover, Government Transparency, Harassment, Health, Health, Health, Help, Information, Information, Insight, Internet, Internet, Internet, Issues, Judges, Manipulation, Manipulation, Media, Media, Observation, POWER, PTSD, People, People, Personal, Police, Politicians, Power, Power, Problem, Psychiatrists, Psychopath, Ptsd, Question, Rights, Rights, STRESS, Stress, Survival, Trauma, Trauma, Workplace 06-09-2010 View Modify  
"At the heart of the matter"    "Obviously, massive efforts in public ed Banking, Euro, Government, Hope, Insight, Irish, Manipulation, Protest, Protest, Rights, Solidarity, Truth 06-01-2010 View Modify  
"It is time to put the Judiciary back in its proper place."    "The most important constitutional issue Harvard, Judiciary, Judiciary Corruption-Crime, Judiciary State, Legislation, Oil, Oil, People, People, Property, Property Rights, Property Rights, Resources, Rights 05-28-2010 View Modify  
"European week of solidarity and protest"    "Although I do not belong to any politic Create, European Parliament, European Union, Hope, Humanity, Money, Money, Protest- Civil Disobedience, Protestant, Rights, Solidarity 05-22-2010 View Modify  
Protest at Anglo Irish Bank in Dublin    "Both Fine Gael and Labour (main Republi Bank Failures, Bankers, Banking, Banking Crisis, Banking Fraud, Banks, Bankster, Events, Fraud, Government, History, History, Impeachment, Irish, Law, People, People, Plague, Protest Art, Protest- Civil Disobedience, Protest_Art, Protest_Art_Works, Protestors, Unconstitutional Legislation 05-17-2010 View Modify  
Main Stream Media silent so far on important Icelandic banking developments    "Why are the msm failing, for the past s Banking, Banking Crime, Banking Crisis, Banking Fraud, Banking Mergers And Acquistions, Media And Democracy, Media Complicity, Media Distortion, Media Fox News, Media Mainstream MSM, Media Network Al Jazeera, Media Network BBC, Media Network CBS, Media News Networks, Media Newspapers, Media Reality TV, Media USA Today, Media Washington Times, Media-News, Police 05-16-2010 View Modify  
The most destructive piece of unconstitutional legislation in human history?    "Former head of the bank's domestic oper Banks, Economy, Economy, Government, Human Interest, Human Nature, Human Rights, Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights In China, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch, Human Stupidity, Humanitarian, Humanitarian Aid, Humanitarian Crisis, Humanities, Humanity, Internet, Justice, Law, Legislation, Piece Of Sh-t, Police, Publicity, Rights, Story, Unconstitutional Legislation 05-13-2010 View Modify  
Concerns regarding unconstitutional legislation    "I have found that trying to challenge u Challenge, Internet, Legislation, Media, Publicity, Unconstitutional Legislation 05-12-2010 View Modify  
Bullying in the global justice systems    "Bullying in the justice system seems to Awareness, Awareness, C-ptsd, Cause, Cover-ups, Crisis, Crisis, Disasters, Experience, Global Currency, Global Education Fund, Global Exchange, Global Marshall Plan, Global Reserve Currency, Globalization, Internet, Justice, Justice Department, Justice Juvenile, Legislation, PTSD, People, People, Police, Reason, Rights, Stress, System Guards, UNDERSTANDING, Veterans, Work 05-11-2010 View Modify  
The tyrannous "ruling elite" cartel of global bankers    I don't know of any group of people anyw Ancient, Bankers, Banking, Citizens, Corruption, Corruption, Corruption, Crime, Crime, DUPLICITY, Dawn, Democracy, Democracy, Democracy, Denial, Denial, Euro, Example, FACE, Face, Fools, Future, Future, Giving, Global Currency, Global Education Fund, Global Exchange, Global Financial Collapse, Global Financial Panic 2007, Global Hegemony, Global Markets, Global Marshall Plan, Global Outreach, Global Positioning, Global Reserve Currency, Global Warming, Global Warming, Globalism, Globalization, Globalization CAFTA, Globalization NAFTA, Globalization-WTO-WB-etc, Government, Government, Ignorance, Ignorance, Internet, Internet, Internet, Judges, LEADER, Law, Law, Leader, Masters, Means, Murder, Murder, Murder, Needs, Oil, Oil, People, People, Practice, Present, Problem, Profession, Protest, Protest, Protestors, Reality, Reality, Reality, Reference, Reference, Resistance, Resistance, Resources, Rest, Rights, Rights, Ruling Class, Time, Time, Time, Tyranny, Tyranny, Vista, Will 05-09-2010 View Modify  
Shunning, Bullying, and Tyranny ...    The really BIG issue facing the "world a Bankers, Ireland, Tyranny 04-26-2010 View Modify  

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