William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>


DfC Appeals Service Belfast <Appeals.Service.Belfast@communities-ni.gov.uk>Tue, May 4, 2021 at 2:09 PM
To: William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Thank you for your e-mail. Please accept this as an acknowledgement that your e-mail has been received by The Appeals Service. Your email has been forwarded to the appropriate team, and if a response to your e-mail is required this will be sent to you in due course.


Please note we are working with a limited number of staff so a response may take longer than usual but will be provided where necessary.


Yours Sincerely,


The Appeals Service (NI) Belfast




From: William Finnerty [mailto:williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com]
Sent: 04 May 2021 13:40
To: Mr Cian Clinch (Lawyer) <cclinch@hayes-solicitors.ie>; Ms Ciara Higgins (Secretary) <chiggins@hayes-solicitors.ie>; David Phelan, Managing Partner at Hayes Solicitors <dphelan@hayes-solicitors.ie>; Hayes Solicitors Law Firm <law@hayes-solicitors.ie>
Cc: Social Worker Ms Tina Millar at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast <Tina.Millar@belfasttrust.hscni.net>; Community Psychiatric Nurse Ms Briana Bloomer at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast <Briana.Bloomer@belfasttrust.hscni.net>; Community Psychiatric Nurse Ms Ann Flanagan at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast <Ann.Flanagan@belfasttrust.hscni.net>; Trainee Social Worker Mr Raymond Grant at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast <Raymond.Grant@belfasttrust.hscni.net>; Mr Gerard Forrestal <gerardforrestal@homelessbelfast.org>; Mr Martin Fox <Martin@housingrights.org.uk>; Ms Yolande Robertson-Greene <Yolande@housingrights.org.uk>; Dr David Cheyne GP via Belfast Reception 147 <Reception.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>; Andrea Lowry, Surgery Practice Manager 147 <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>; FAO: GP Assistant Una Carlin via Surgery Practice Manager 147 <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.ni.nhs.uk>; McBride, Michael <Michael.McBride@health-ni.gov.uk>; DfC Appeals Service Belfast <Appeals.Service.Belfast@communities-ni.gov.uk>; DOJ Minister's Office <DOJ.MinistersOffice@justice-ni.gov.uk>; Northern Ireland Minister of Justice Naomi Long MLA <naomi.long@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>; naomi.long@allianceparty.org; First Minister of Northern Ireland Arlene Foster (Lawyer) LL.B. MLA <arlene.foster@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>; arlene@arlenefoster.org.uk; Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O'Neill MLA <michelle.oneill@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>; Claire Hanna MP (Local SDLP Belfast UK MP) <claire.hanna.mp@parliament.uk>; Northern Ireland Minister of Health Robin Swann MLA <robin.swann@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>; UK Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland QC MP <robert.buckland.mp@parliament.uk>; correspondence@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk; Gerald Finnerty <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>; Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family <siobhan510@bigpond.com>; William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>


Mr Cian Clinch (Associate)
Hayes Solicitors,
Lavery House,
Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2,
Republic of Ireland,
DO2 T625.

Dear Mr Clinch,

RE: Conor MacGuill v Mark Kavanagh, Finbar Markey, William Finnerty, and FACEBOOK Ireland
High Court (Dublin) Record No: 2019/8260P

Thank you for your email dated April 26th 2021, a slightly edited copy of which, together with a scanned copy of the your letter which was attached to the email (also dated April 26th 2021), has been placed at the following www location:

Please note that I do wish to defend the proceedings. However, despite my best efforts, and those of Belfast Social Worker Ms Tina Millar and her team during the past eight months or so, I personally still do not have ANY access to professional legal advice and representation. Consequently, I feel I cannot sensibly make any meaningful progress regarding your suggestion that I "enter an Appearance, in person or by solicitor in the Central Office, Four Courts, Dublin": particularly when, as I have reason to believe, there is still (since July 2015) an extant warrant for my arrest in the Republic of Ireland connected with the completely false claim that I assaulted a member of An Garda Siochana (the Republic of Ireland Police Force) in 2014.

At the present time I am waiting for a reply to an email seeking professional legal advice and representation (for myself), which I sent to human rights lawyer Ms Claire McKeegan at Phoenix Law (Belfast) on April 16th 2021. A slightly edited copy of the email in question, together with a list titled "CLOSELY RELATED ISSUES" placed in the bottom half of the www page referred to just below, which, as I see it, is connected in various ways with my overall, and ongoing, set of legal and medical problems, can be viewed at:

An unedited "Gmail PDF" copy of the April 16th 2021 can also be viewed at:

Finally, I would like to point out that the extreme difficulties I have been experiencing regarding the matter of I not having any direct personal access to professional legal advice and representation, is not new to me; and, evidence of this fact can be found in the slightly edited email of mine dated May 17th 2019 titled STILL BEING THWARTED AT EVERY TURN at:

You may wish to note that you, and your colleague Mr David Phelan (Managing Partner at Hayes Solicitors), were among those the email at the www location immediately above was copied to.

An unedited "Gmail PDF" copy of the May 17th 2019 in question can also be viewed at:

Kind regards,

William Finnerty.

Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com

FACEBOOK Timeline:

(To Whom It May Concern Letter dated October 28th 2005 written by Dr Michael McCavert GP)

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