William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Re: legal advice and representation

William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 1:01 PM
To: "Social Worker Ms Tina Millar at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Tina.Millar@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Community Psychiatric Nurse Ms Briana Bloomer at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Briana.Bloomer@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Trainee Social Worker Mr Raymond Grant at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Raymond.Grant@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, Martin Fox <Martin@housingrights.org.uk>

Regarding your suggestion that I look for legal representation in the Republic of Ireland using the list you have recently provided me with, it would be much appreciated if you could please note the points made under 1) below:

1) Though doubtful perhaps, it is nevertheless possible that (technically at least) I already have legal representation in the Republic of Ireland. My doubts associated with this matter relate to uncertainties regarding my present standing with the law firm of Patrick Hogan & Co (based in Ballinasloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland). Although Patrick Hogan & Co lawyer Mr Brendan Glynn failed -- without ever providing me with any explanation as to why -- to turn up at my court hearing in Loughrea District Court on July 8th 2015, he has never at any point informed me that I am no longer a client of Patrick Hogan & Co.

It is also the case that the deeds of my home in County Galway, which were lodged by me with Patrick Hogan & Co in the 1980s, are being held by Patrick Hogan & Co at the present time.

In addition, I have still not received any reply from Mr Brendan Glynn, who I understand is the principal lawyer at Patrick Hogan & Co, to the letter I sent to him through the registered post on October 12th 2020. Additional information relating to this problem can be found in my email to you dated February 12th 2021, a copy of which can be viewed at the following www location:

It seems to me that the matter of my present status with Patrick Hogan & Co now needs to be fully clarified as soon as possible; and, that if Patrick Hogan & Co state I am not a client of theirs, that they should (I believe) return the deeds of my home in County Galway to me without delay?

Provided you consider it appropriate, and with due regard for the fact that I still do not have any direct access to professional legal advice and representation, I would be grateful if you could please discuss the overall situation outlined above on my behalf, with your contacts at the Belfast Law Centre, and/or the Belfast based law firm MSM Law.

2) Although I have not received any reply of any kind from anybody at Republic of Ireland law firm Hayes Solicitors to the letter I sent to them through the registered post on February 1st 2021, it seems reasonable for me to assume that they will still want to have me appear in the High Court in Dublin. A scanned copy of the letter of mine in question to Hayes Solicitors can be viewed at:

As I understand the Garda Siochana have confirmed in a telephone conversation you had some weeks ago, with one of their members at Loughrea Garda (Police) Station in County Galway, there still is an extant warrant for my arrest in the Republic of Ireland in connection with the completely false claim that I assaulted a Garda member in 2014.

As it seems to me that this probably will mean the authorities in the Republic of Ireland will ask the Northern Ireland authorities to extradite me from Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland, I am concerned about the fact (as stated above) that I still do not have any direct access to professional legal advice and representation in Northern Ireland, of the type which I feel needs to be of the holistic kind. (By "holistic" I mean "characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole").

My understanding of the basics of the extradition process, is as stated in the excerpt in the section just below:



'Extradition is an action wherein one jurisdiction delivers a person accused or convicted of committing a crime in another jurisdiction, over to the other's law enforcement. It is a cooperative law enforcement procedure between the two jurisdictions and depends on the arrangements made between them. In addition to legal aspects of the process, extradition also involves the physical transfer of custody of the person being extradited to the legal authority of the requesting jurisdiction.[1]

'In an extradition process, one sovereign jurisdiction typically makes a formal request to another sovereign jurisdiction ("the requested state"). If the fugitive is found within the territory of the requested state, then the requested state may arrest the fugitive and subject him or her to its extradition process.[2] The extradition procedures to which the fugitive will be subjected are dependent on the law and practice of the requested state.[2]'

Copied from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extradition


Any assistance you might be able to provide me with for the purpose of finding professional legal advice and representation in Northern Ireland of the holistic kind I feel I need (as stated above) -- if, as I see it, I am ever get justice -- would be much appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the above two matters.

Kind regards,


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(Copy of "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005 written by Dr Michael McCavert G.P.)