William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>


William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 3:25 PM
To: "Community Psychiatric Nurse Ms Ann Flanagan at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Ann.Flanagan@belfasttrust.hscni.net>
Cc: "FAO: GP Assistant Una Carlin via Surgery Practice Manager 147" <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.ni.nhs.uk>, "Social Worker Ms Tina Millar at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Tina.Millar@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Community Psychiatric Nurse Ms Briana Bloomer at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Briana.Bloomer@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Trainee Social Worker Mr Raymond Grant at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Raymond.Grant@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, Martin Fox <Martin@housingrights.org.uk>, Mr Gerard Forrestal <gerardforrestal@homelessbelfast.org>, Dr David Cheyne GP via Belfast Reception 147 <Reception.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Andrea Lowry, Surgery Practice Manager 147" <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Dr Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer, Northern Ireland Department of Health" <michael.mcbride@health-ni.gov.uk>, Northern Ireland Minister of Justice Naomi Long MLA <naomi.long@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, naomi.long@allianceparty.org, "The Officer in Charge at the Northern Ireland Appeals Service (Ref: Case Number BE/6784/19/45/O)" <appeals.service.belfast@communities-ni.gov.uk>, Gerald Finnerty <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>, Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family <siobhan510@bigpond.com>, William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
Bcc: William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Many thanks for phoning me this morning.

As I related to you this morning I have -- unfortunately -- to a very large extent, long ago lost confidence and trust in the medical profession generally, and this is almost entirely because of the fact that I have never, at any point during the past 23 years or so, been given the opportunity to have 5 to 10 (say) hour-long sessions with a suitably experienced psychologist who is willing to discuss with me the difficulties which have caused the C-PTSD (Complex-Post Traumatic Disorder) I am suffering from; and, where the causes in question have been very accurately and concisely set out in the attached copy of the letter written by Dr Michael McCavert GP (a former GP of mine) dated October 28th 2005.

As I mentioned to you this morning I have elaborated on several of the "wrongdoing" difficulties in question in the eight-page registered letter I sent to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell on November 3rd 2018, a copy of which, together with copies of the associated Royal Mail receipt, and the Royal Mail "Proof of Delivery" note, can be viewed at:

Please know that -- from my viewpoint at least -- it appears that Dr Bell must have decided to completely ignore the entire contents (and existence) of the letter referred to at the www location immediately above. To date, I have never received any acknowledgement of receipt of any kind from anybody connected with Knockbracken Healthcare Park for the November 3rd 2018 letter in question. Please keep in mind that, as I informed you this morning, that the 320 page document produced by the Northern Ireland Pension Service, which I understand Tina Millar (Social Worker) copied, and sent to the Belfast Law Centre last December, through one or other of the Royal Mail registered letter postal services, contains a copy of the eight-page letter of mine to Dr Bell dated November 3rd 2018.

Also, and assuming I understood them both correctly, Social Worker Tina Millar, and Dr David Cheyne GP, have both informed me, in very clear ways, that they are not allowed to refer me to a psychologist.

A copy of the letter written by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Barbara English dated September 5th 2019 (which I also mentioned to you this morning) can be viewed at:
Please note Dr English's letter contains no mention at all of the eight-page letter of mine to Dr Bell referred to above. Correctly or otherwise, this omission from this letter of hers has long appeared to me to almost certainly represent a very long-running, and ongoing,"cover-up": which is for the purpose of protecting the"individuals and public officials and bodies" Dr Michael McCavert GP referred to in his "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005, a copy of which I am attaching to this email.

I would very strongly dispute the belief expressed in the letter referred to at the www location immediately above, written by Dr English, that it "would be difficult for Mr Finnerty to engage in psychological therapy with a clinical psychologist without the assistance of psychiatric medication": provided, that is, that the psychologist I see is willing (and allowed) to discuss with me the "wrongdoing" at the hands "of individuals and public officials and bodies", and the way that such wrongdoing has virtually destroyed my life for the past 23 years or so: as a direct result of the Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the wrongdoing in question has caused for me, and which I am still suffering from: but, still not (as I see it) receiving any proper medical treatment for.

Information relating to some of the difficulties (which I also mentioned to you this morning) that I have experienced relating to Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Elizabeth McMonagle (Daisy Hill Hospital Newry) can be viewed at:

Finally, and as I believe I also mentioned to you this morning, if I am ever to "feel safe" about presenting myself for the COVID-19 vaccination, and/or for the prostate surgery I was kindly offered following my stay at the Royal Victoria Hospital (Belfast) last July, I feel I will need a meaningful written explanation from Dr English, or from Dr Bell, regarding the matter of why they are both (as I see it) continuing to completely ignore the contents (and the existence) of my eight-page registered letter to Dr Bell dated November 3rd 2018 (referred to above).

Kind regards,


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(Copy of "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005 written by Dr Michael McCavert G.P.) 
