William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

1 message

William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 4:20 PM
To: Belfast Housing Benefit Manager Colette McCorry <Colette.McCorry@nihe.gov.uk>, Tracy Gibb <Tracey.Gibb@nihe.gov.uk>
Cc: Radius Housing Association Welfare Officer Cathy Jackson <Cathy.Jackson@radiushousing.org>, Radius Housing Association Housing Manager John Cairnduff <john.cairnduff@radiushousing.org>, "John McLean, Chief Executive Officer of Radius Housing Association" <john.mclean@radiushousing.org>, UK Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland QC MP <robert.buckland.mp@parliament.uk>, correspondence@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk, UK Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC MP <coxg@parliament.uk>, William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>, Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>, Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family <siobhan510@bigpond.com>

Mrs Colette McCorry
Belfast Housing Benefit Manager
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Belfast Housing Benefit Office
1-11 May Street
4th Floor
BT1 4NA.

Your Reference: 1000223623

Dear Mrs McCorry,


Thank you for your email to me dated November 2nd 2019, a copy of the main text of which I have placed in the first section below.

With reference to the letter I sent to you through the registered post on September 30th 2009 (scanned copy at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/BelfastHousingBenefitUnit/30September2019/RegisteredLetter.htm ), please know that I have still not received any reply of any kind from UK Secretary of State for Justice Mr Robert Buckland QC MP, or from any of his support staff, to the letter I sent to him via the registered post on September 16th 2019 (scanned copy at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/UKSecretaryOfStateForJusticeRobertBuckland/16September2019/RegisteredLetter.htm ); and, that consequently, I would still prefer not to provide your office with the information and papers you have been requesting from me.

I would also prefer not to engage in any discussions of the kind you have kindly offered me. This is partly because I feel the overall collection of "living problems" I am at present struggling with appears (to me) to have grown so complicated, and partly because I consider it unlikely that you would be willing to discuss the overall set of complications in question with me, on the grounds that almost all of the issues in question would, I suspect, probably not come under your remit. The difficulties I have in mind include the several unresolved problems I have listed in the letter I sent through the registered post to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell on November 3rd 2018 (scanned copy at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ConsultantPsychiatristDrPaulBell/3November2018/RegisteredLetter.html ).

Also adding to the complications and difficulties (for me) is the fact that I have still not received any reply of any kind from Psychiatric Nurse Helen Elder, or from any of her colleagues at "The Primary Care Talking Therapies and Wellbeing Hub at Woodstock Lodge, Belfast", to the the letter I sent to her through the registered post on August 2nd 2019 (scanned copy at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/WellbeingHubBelfast/2August2019/Gmail.html ). Consequently, I am still not receiving any medical treatment for the C-PTSD (Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell has diagnosed me as suffering from. For evidence of this diagnosis of his please see the scanned copy of the letter Dr Bell copied to me dated November 27th 2018 (scanned copy at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ConsultantPsychiatristDrPaulBell/27November2018/Letter.htm ). There is also of course the much earlier diagnosis of my C-PTSD condition referred to in the attached copy of the "To Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th 2005 which I was provided with by my former GP, Dr Michael McCavert.

Given the opportunity to formally appeal -- through "an independent tribunal" -- the decision of your office to cancel my Housing Benefit payments, it is my hope that it would be within the remit of the independent tribunal in question to consider, in a holistic way, the several different parts of the overall set of "living problems" I am at present struggling with and trying to find a just, meaningful solution to; and, which has been building up and growing ever more complicated throughout the past twenty years or so. By "holistic" I mean "characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole".

Assuming it is possible, allowing for what I have stated above, for me to now go ahead with the formal appeal to "an independent tribunal" I wish to make regarding the decision of your office to cancel my Housing Benefit payments, it would be much appreciated if you could please let me know what I need to do next, for the purpose of making progress with such an appeal?

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.

Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
FACEBOOK Timeline:

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McCorry, Colette <Colette.McCorry@nihe.gov.uk>
Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 2:00 PM
To: William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>
Cc: "Gibb, Tracey" <Tracey.Gibb@nihe.gov.uk>

Mr Finnerty
We have a appeal’s process and we received your letter dated 19th November 2019 appealing the decision to cancel your housing benefit. As part of the appeals process we look at the decision we made and in order for us to process with the appeal and ensure we made the correct decision we must ask for any information outstanding which we have done in our letter of 25th November 2019. If you don’t want to provide the information we have requested please let us know and we can then process the appeal to the next stage. The next stage would usually be a meeting with yourself  in our office’s to discuss your case I am happy to do so at your earliest convenience.
Colette McCorry
HB Manager Belfast
Telephone Number 02895983820

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From: William Finnerty [mailto:williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com]
Sent: 02 December 2019 13:51
To: McCorry, Colette; Belfast Housing Benefit Office
Cc: Cathy Jackson; John Cairnduff; Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan; Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family; William Finnerty Yahoo Account
 Mrs Colette McCorry
 Belfast Housing Benefit Manager
 Northern Ireland Housing Executive
 Belfast Housing Benefit Office
 1-11 May Street
 4th Floor
 BT1 4NA.
 Your Reference: 1000223623
 Dear Mrs McCorry,
 Thank you for your letter dated November 25th, a scanned copy of which I have placed at the following www location:
 With reference to the first sentence in your letter at the above www address, which reads "You sent us a letter and asked us to look again at a Housing Benefit decision sent to you", please know that I have no recollection and no record of ever making such a request to your office.
 However, I did send a letter through the registered post to your office on November 19th, which was addressed to "The Officer in Charge", and in it I requested a formal appeal of the decision (made by your office) to cancel my housing benefit. I made this request because part of the text in the final paragraph of the "Cancellation Letter" I have received from your office dated October 23rd 2019 states: "If you wish to formally appeal this decision, which may ultimately result in the case being considered by an independent tribunal you must do so within 1 calendar month of this letter".
 If for any reason you might be unaware of my November 19th 2019 registered letter to your office, please know that a scanned copy of it, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office Receipt, and of the associated Post Office Proof of Delivery note, can be viewed at:
 A scanned copy of the "Cancellation Letter" sent to me from your office dated October 23rd 2019 (referred to above) can also be viewed at:
 I would be grateful if you could please let me know if I can apply directly for a formal appeal of the cancellation decision, which would be heard by "an independent tribunal", and which would take into account some at least of the issues I have referred to -- directly, and indirectly through www links -- in my registered letter to your office dated November 19th 2019 (referred to above)?
 If so, it would be much appreciated if you could please let me know what I need to do next in order to make progress with the formal appeal I wish for?
 In connection with the above matters I feel I should point that, to date, I have not received any reply of any kind from UK Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland QC MP, or from any of his colleagues, to the letter I sent to him on September 16th 2019 which I have referred to in the letter I sent to you through the registered post on September 30th 2019. A scanned copy of my September 30th 2019 registered letter to you, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office Receipt, and the associated Post Office Proof of Delivery note, can be viewed at:
 I look forward to receiving a reply from you to the two questions I have raised above.
 Yours sincerely,
 William Finnerty.
 Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
 FACEBOOK Timeline:
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 ("To Whom It May Concern Letter" letter written by Dr Michael McCavert GP)  
