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Text of registered letter dated October 16th 2010 to UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP   Message List  
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"This observation is based on the information compiled by the late Dr Tim Field
which can be viewed under the heading 'Differences between mental illness and
psychological injury' at the following www address:"

A letter (which included the above excerpt) was sent through the registered post
on October 16th 2010 to UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP on the subject of
"impunity" relating to governments: of the kind which -- among many other things
-- causes and aggravates C-PTSD injuries in some of those who attempt to
challenge government bullying.

The text of the letter in question to PM David Cameron is reproduced below.

A "Rich Text" version of the text below, which includes several additional
Internet hyperlinks, can also be viewed at the following location:



UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP
10 Downing Street
England SW1AA 2AA

Dear Prime Minister Cameron,

                                         RE: Impunity

I sent you a letter through the registered post on July 22nd 2010, which I trust
you have received.

If for any reason you have not received it please note that a scanned copy of my
July 22nd 2010 letter to you, together with copies of the associated Post Office
receipts and the associated Post Office delivery information, can be viewed at
the following Internet location:\

As you can see for yourself, the scanned copy of the registered letter at the
above address contains reference to an assurance I received from Holmes Jackson
(at the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency) that the issues I had five
weeks or so earlier raised (in my registered letter to Leslie Morgan dated June
16th 2010) with the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency would be "fully
investigated". A scanned copy of the letter in which Holmes Jackson provided me
with this assurance can be viewed at the following Internet location:

Unfortunately, I have (at the present time) no reason to believe that any of the
issues I have raised in my July 22nd 2010 registered letter to you (referred to
above) are being investigated by the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency:
despite the fact that the issues in question include (among other things)
problems relating to impunity of the kind referred to in the following piece of
text (which I have copied from

"Impunity means the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the
perpetrators of violations to account - whether in criminal, civil,
administrative or disciplinary proceedings - since they are not subject to any
inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and, if found
guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their

One of the reasons I am writing to you just now is because I have received a
letter (dated October 7th 2010) from my present GP (Dr. John Kilraine) regarding
the recent PSA test results his clinic has provided for me.

A scanned copy of Dr Kilraine's October 7th 2010 letter to me, which is
self-explanatory I believe, can be viewed at the following Internet location:

On account of the fact that it appears to me to be the case that the "impunity
problems" I have referred to above are possibly not being investigated, I trust
you will understand that I feel extremely unsafe about presenting myself for
surgical procedures of any kind at the present time -- allowing for my earlier,
and most unfortunate experiences, with Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital Consultant
Dr Thomas Foster in December 2004 -- even though I am well aware that delays in
doing so could have very serious health consequences (of a life-threatening
nature) for me.

An additional and very closely related concern for me is that I have reason to
believe at least one lawyer (and possibly several others of those I have
informed regarding my legal difficulties over the past 12 years or so years) are
confusing "psychiatric injury" with "mental illness"; and, that this is being
done in a way which is grossly misleading, in addition to being extremely
injurious to both myself and other members of my family.

Concerned about my worsening overall situation, and with my approval, my brother
(Gerald Finnerty) and half-sister (Marjorie Dolan) went to see John Glynn
(Barrister and Principal Lawyer at Patrick Hogan and Co, Dunlo Street,
Ballinasloe, County Galway) on June 30th 2010, for the purpose of trying to find
out why family law firm "Patrick Hogan and Co" were not responding to a number
of letters which we had sent to them through the registered post during recent
years. Two days after the June 30th meeting (i.e. July 2nd 2010), I did a very
brief written summary of what my brother and half-sister related to me regarding
their June 30th meeting with John Glynn, which they signed. A scanned copy of
the signed summary (dated July 2nd 2010) can be viewed at the following

Basically, it appears that John Glynn advised my brother and half-sister during
the June 30th 2010 meeting that I am not in need of any legal representation
relating to the growing set of problems I find myself being dragged deeper and
deeper into, and that my problems are entirely psychiatric (in his view).

Please note that I have never (to the best of my knowledge) suffered from mental
illness, and that I have never received medical treatment for mental illness.

I do however suffer from C-PTSD type psychiatric injuries (which Consultant
Psychiatrist Dr Anne Jeffers has provided me with treatment for), and which "are
the result of traumas and stresses over years and these traumas and stresses
have come at the hands of individuals and public officials and bodies that he
has encountered in his struggles to try to correct environmental wrong doings",
as stated in the "To Whom It May Concern" letter dated 28th October 2005 which
Dr Michael McCavert GP (Omagh Health Centre, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland)
provided me with almost five years ago. A copy of the "To Whom It May Concern"
letter in question can be viewed at the following location:\

It is my very clear understanding that there are vast differences between
"psychiatric injury" and "mental illness". The "hypervigilance" (for example)
which seems to be almost always associated with C-PTSD injuries, is not the same
as the "paranoia" associated with "mental illness": regardless of the fact that
some lawyers may be acting and talking as though they are both the same thing.
This observation is based on the information compiled by the late Dr Tim Field
which can be viewed under the heading "Differences between mental illness and
psychological injury" at the following www address:

On account of the fact that Dr Anne Jeffers and Clinical Psychologist Niamh
Gralton (who is a member of Dr Jeffers's Team) both advised me on a number of
occasions that they could not help me in any way to find the legal
representation I felt I desperately needed -- for the purpose of achieving the
"closure" I need in order to recover from my C-PTSD injuries -- I eventually
felt I had to stop going to see them for treatment; and, that I later wrote to
Niamh Gralton (on October 5th 2009) requesting a review of my case.

A copy of the text of the registered letter I sent to Niamh Gralton on October
5th 2009, which I believe is self-explanatory, can be viewed at the following

Please note that the letter referred to at the Internet address immediately
above was copied to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowan TD, and that
scanned copies of the associated Post Office receipts (for both letters) can be
viewed at the Internet address immediately above. Unfortunately, I have never
received any reply from Niamh Gralton or from Prime Minister Cowan to the two
registered letters in question.

In conclusion, and with due regard for all of what I have related to you above,
it would be very much appreciated by me if you could please provide me with some
clear indication of when I am likely to be informed of the results of the full
investigation which Holmes Jackson wrote to me about in the above mentioned
letter he sent to me dated June 23rd 2010.

For future reference purposes, I will later today place a copy of the text of
this letter at the following Internet location:\

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.       October 16th 2010. 

c/o Finnerty's Shop
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.

COPIES (via registered post) TO :

Dr John Kilraine GP (Main Street Clinic, Loughrea, County Galway, Republic of


Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Cowan TD.


... ... ... End of letter text ... ... ...


The above letter-text has been published (on October 17th 2010) as a "Diary
Entry" at the following Open News www location:


For future reference purposes a copy of the above letter-text was sent by e-mail
(also on October 17th 2010) to a number of senior politicians and lawyers, and
the e-mail in question can be viewed at the following Internet address:\


Associated Post Office Receipts:

Scanned copies of the three sets of Post Office registered letter receipts
associated with the October 16th 2010 letter to Prime Minister David Cameron MP
have recently been added to the Internet, and they can be viewed at the
following Internet location:\


Associated  Delivery Reports  from Post Office:

Copies of the three Post Office "Status Reports" -- which indicate that all
three of the registered letters referred to above have now been successfully
delivered -- have recently been added to the Internet, and scanned printouts of
the three reports in question (all dated October 22nd 2010) can be viewed by
going to the following www location:\


Hundreds of politicians informed ...

To date, and using a set of emails, some hundreds of Irish politicians have been
informed by e-mail regarding the existence of the "Impunity" registered letter
sent to UK Prime Minister David Cameron October 16th 2010, as have a small
selection of 20 UK parliamentarians (10 from the House of Commons and 10 from
the House of Lords).

For anybody interested, detailed information relating to the recipients and the
contents of the e-mails referred to in the paragraph just above can be found via
the following link:\


The role of  WOODROW WILSON  in all of this growing global chaos ...

"I am a most unhappy man--unwittingly I have ruined my country."

"They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful,
so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above
their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

The two quotes just above have come from former United States President Woodrow
Wilson (grandson of a printer from Dergalt, near Strabane, County Tyrone,
Northern Ireland), who was the US President that signed into law the highly
controversial (and unconstitutional many believe) Federal Reserve Act of 1913:
which is still seen by many as one of the prime causes -- if not the prime cause
-- of the present global banking and financial crisis.

Why did he do it?


"Secret Societies, Secret Oaths, and Secret Proceedings" ...

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as
a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret
oaths and to secret proceedings."  (Quote by: Former US President John F.

Secret societies and the medical profession, legal profession, police,
governments, religious organisations, business organisations, bankers ...


Human Rights Ireland:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Nov 1, 2010 3:15 pm

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"This observation is based on the information compiled by the late Dr Tim Field which can be viewed under the heading 'Differences between mental illness and...

William Finnerty
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                                           End of e-mail text


Lists of other Irish politicians informed by e-mail regarding the REGISTERED LETTER sent to
 UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP (by William Finnerty) on October 16th 2010:


Other groups of people who have been separately informed:




"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Albert Einstein




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"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King Jr
(Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16th, 1963)



  There is NOTHING to prevent governments producing their own  INTEREST-FREE  and  DEBT-FREE  money.

It has been done very successfully and very easily before, both by former US President Abraham Lincoln, and by former US President John F. Kennedy (for example).


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