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"They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful,
so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above
their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
(United States President
Woodrow Wilson)

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The Money Masters
by WPF Sun 24 Aug 2008 02:14:25 PM CDT

It may be worth keeping in mind also that, as history has often shown, a person
like Sir Anthony O'Reilly might (in reality) be little more than a "front man"
for the so called "Money Masters" -- i.e. members of the Rothschild and
Rockefeller families and their close associates in the global banking world.

As some readers will already know, free copies of a video titled "The Money
Masters" (which is in two parts), can be viewed at the present time on one of
the Google web sites, and the necessary address information is provided below.

Among the dozens of very interesting quotes and insights contained in this
particular video are the following:

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and
manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power
somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so
pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in
condemnation of it."

The above quote was chosen partly because it contains an Irish "link", on
account of the fact it originates from Woodrow Wilson -- whose maternal
grandparents emigrated to the United States of America from Strabane in County
Tyrone (Northern Ireland) in 1807. For those who may not know, Woodrow Wilson
was the twenty-eighth President of the United States of America and he served
during the period 1913 to 1921.

Perhaps the three most amazing things regarding the problem that President
Woodrow Wilson was obviously very concerned about (in 1916), and which by now
has grown into a full-blown GLOBAL predicament of gigantic proportions (as some
people see things), are these:

a) The problem in question involves what is almost certainly the biggest
"financial scam" in the whole of human history;

b) It continues to be so cleverly concealed, by all sorts of very cunning,
secretive and deceptive means, that almost nobody knows anything about it at the
present time, even though the present-day "Rothschild" version of the scam has
been in operation in various forms in parts of Europe (including England) since
the 1600s;

and, last but not least, that

c) Nobody has so far been able to stop it, even though hundreds (and possibly
thousands) of senior lawyers, politicians, and academics in the United States
have long been well aware of it down through the 10 generations or so in
question: dating back all the way (for example) to the days of master-lawyer,
and master-politician, Thomas Jefferson -- principal author of the American
Declaration of Independence signed in 1776, and 3rd President of the United
States of America during the period 1801 to 1809. Try as he might, even the
mighty Thomas Jefferson failed to fully weed out the scam, and he went to his
grave (in 1826) fully convinced that it would bring to human society nothing but
trouble of the worst kind imaginable if it was not completely stamped out by
some lawful means.

The following three quotes also come from the "The Money Masters" video:

1) "The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency
and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the
buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers
will be saved immense sums of interest. MONEY WILL CEASE TO BE THE MASTER AND
BECOME THE SERVANT OF HUMANITY." (Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United
States of America during the period 1861 to 1865.)

2) "In the United States today we have in effect two governments ... We have the
duly constituted Government ... Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and
uncoordinated Government in the 'Federal Reserve System' operating the money
powers (completely unlawfully many believe) which are reserved to Congress by
the Constitution." (Former U.S. Congressman and Lawyer Wright Patman of Texas,
who was born in 1893, and who died in1976.)

3) "The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than
to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and
republics the power to create the world's money..." (Dr Carroll Quigley, former
Professor of History at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., who was born in
1910, and who died in 1977.)

As is stated in their video, the authors of "The Money Masters" clearly hope
that "EDUCATION" (via the Internet) may have a major role to play in bringing
this very worrying problem to an end. Among many other things, including the
growing threat of yet another major war, or a long string of such wars perhaps,
this particular problem appears to make a complete mockery, and a sick joke, of
the crucially important social principles of "democracy" and "the rule of law",
which only exist in what is very largely bogus form really (at the present
time): albeit that a great many well-meaning, innocent, and trusting people (far
too trusting for their own good perhaps?) have been very cleverly duped and
hoodwinked by all manner of means into believing otherwise.

"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead."
Aristotle (384 to 322 BC)

With the 2008 Presidential Elections in United States (scheduled for Tuesday,
November 4th) just 10 weeks or so away, it will be interesting to see if the
infamous United States Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (and its closely associated
legislation) becomes a Presidential Election issue?

If it does not, then perhaps we should all beware? -- and be cautious -- VERY

Not surprisingly, and with due regard for the present global financial crisis
(which is probably entirely contrived by the "Money Masters"), many observers
now strongly believe the United States Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and all
closely associated legislation, should be repealed without further ado; and, the
sooner the better: both for the United States of America, and for the rest of
the World (including the Republic of Ireland).

Some will be pleased to see that rather than just describe the problem, those
associated with the "Money Masters" video also have what they refer to as a
"Monetary Reform Act", which they believe could provide a gentle and lasting
solution to the set of difficulties in question. A four-paragraph summary of
this suggested solution, which boldly addresses the much dreaded and "keystone"
core issue of "fractional reserve banking" head on, can be viewed at

The Money Masters Part 1 of 2 (103 minutes):

The Money Masters Part 2 of 2 (106 minutes):

Some may be interested to know that an attempt was made on May 9th 2008, several
weeks before the Lisbon Treaty Referendum held in the Republic of Ireland on
June 12th 2008, to draw the attention of Prime Minister Cowan TD (and a
selection of his government colleagues) to the set of "Federal Reserve Act"
problems referred to above. The text of the letter, and scanned copies of the
associated Post Office receipts, can be viewed at

Related link: http://www.themoneymasters.com/


The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:



Human Rights (Ireland):


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Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:27 am

William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
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"They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak...
William Finnerty
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10:27 am

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