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To: "Celtic Party (Ireland)" <>
From: "William Finnerty" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:08:52 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Celtic Party] Fwd: Say "NO" to ALL unconstitutional legislation

"The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will."

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"Vercingetorix (Ireland)" <vercingetorixirelan> wrote:

To: "Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla \(Tara\)" <ollamhfodhla@ uk>
CC: Crooked Lawyers <Crooked-Lawyers@ yahoogroups. com>,
Save Tara Group <savetara@yahoogroup>,
Nature Ireland <natureireland@ yahoogroups. com>,
"Human Rights \(Ireland\)" <humanrightsireland@ yahoogroups. com>
From: "Vercingetorix \(Ireland\)" <vercingetorixirelan>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:49:24 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [humanrightsireland ] Say "NO" to ALL unconstitutional legislation

"The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will."
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Say "NO" to ALL unconstitutional legislation
by W. Finnerty. Sun Mar 09, 2008 17:17
If the people of the Republic of Ireland want to hold on to their Republic, we would ALL (in my view) need to start watching senior members of our legal profession, and indeed all members of our legal profession, like hawks.
"It is a misnomer to call a government republican in which a branch of the supreme power is independent of the nation." --Thomas Jefferson to James Pleasants, 1821. FE 10:198 
Though the Lisbon Treaty is undoubtedly a massive threat to the Republic of Ireland's independence as a soverign state, there lurks unseen (by most people it seems) a much bigger threat I believe: which has - for several years now - already been "sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution and working its change by construction before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance".
For a practical example of how this is happening, please see at: http://ie.indymedia .org/article/ 81823#comment189 323  
"The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will." --Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 1807. FE 9:68 
Related Link: http://www.constitu tionofireland. com
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The above piece of text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:
http://www.indymedi 85485#comment222 217 
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