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To: "Celtic Party" <>
From: "William Finnerty" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:07:20 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Celtic Party] De Profundis (Lisbon Treaty)

"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man: including the Lisbon Treaty."
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"Vercingetorix (Ireland)" <vercingetorixirelan> wrote:
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:00:36 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Vercingetorix \(Ireland\)" <vercingetorixirelan>
Subject: De Profundis (Lisbon Treaty)
To: "The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla \(Great Banqueting Hall, Hill of Tara\)" <ollamhfodhla@ uk>
CC: Save Tara Group <savetara@yahoogroup>,
Nature Ireland <natureireland@ yahoogroups. com>,
"Human Rights \(Ireland\)" <humanrightsireland@ yahoogroups. com>,
Crooked Lawyers <Crooked-Lawyers@ yahoogroups. com>

"Jefferson gradually assumed leadership of the Republicans, who sympathized with the revolutionary cause in France. Attacking Federalist policies, he opposed a strong centralized Government and championed the rights of states." 
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De Profundis
by TJ Sun Mar 16, 2008 09:02
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man: including the Lisbon Treaty.
Related Link: http://www.whitehou presidents/ tj3.html
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The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland):
http://www.indymedi 86545#comment223 197

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The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla (Great Banqueting Hall, Hill of Tara, Ireland): com/search? hl=en&q=King+Ollamh+ Fodhla+(Great+Banqueting+ Hall,+Hill+ of+Tara)&btnG=Search 
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