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[Celtic Party] Inauguration Day

Tuesday, 20 January, 2009 10:55 AM
"Human Rights (Ireland)" <>, "Save Tara Group" <>, "Nature Ireland" <>, "Crooked Lawyers" <>, "Celtic Party (Yahoo Group)" <>
"US President-elect Barack Obama (Constitutional/Civil Rights Lawyer" <>, "US Vice President-elect Joe Biden" <>, "Spirit of Vercingetorix (Alesia, Castlestrange, Le Tene, and Turoe)" <>, "Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla, Great Banqueting Hall (Hill of Tara) & Ulster" <>

"I suspect the new US President will be the same: unless he gets overwhelming support (from overwhelming numbers of people around the world) ..."
"Ignorance is bliss" -- or is it?
  by Ashling Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:06
I suspect the new US President will be the same: unless he gets overwhelming support (from overwhelming numbers of people around the world) for changing the way that vast sums of money can be created "out of thin air" by the elitist clique of "Money Masters", which they -- at their COMPLETE discretion please note -- then lend to governments all around the world at crippling interest rates which the tax payers have to try and service. (See com/search? hl=en&fkt=2047&fsdt=8766&q=Money+Masters&btnG=Google+ Search&aq=f&oq=  )
Slavery has not gone away, and I find it tempting at times to think of the "Money Masters" as "Slave Masters" of sorts (among several other things).
There is also of course the matter of the Money Masters withholding funding for projects they don't like, and from politicians they don't like (in places they don't like).
The Money Masters still have us all in the palms of their hands at the present time (particularly our politicians) ; and, much to the delight no doubt of this massively influential and undemocratic clique, the vast majority of the world's people still do not realise it.
Consequently, the wrong people tend to get all the blame for the world's ills -- which in large part produces the false notion that a "change of government" will do the trick.
Related link: http://www.humanrightsireland. com/PresidentGeorgeWBush/19January2009/Email.htm
The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:
http://www.indymedia. ie/article/90712#comment243620
 Global Cesspit of Corruption, Crime, and Cover-Ups: 
"The Constitution has been hijacked" (Registered letter to Prime Minister Brian Cowan T.D. dated May 9th 2008):
http://www.humanrig htsireland. com/PrimeMinisterCowen/ 9May2008/Email.htm

Human Rights (Ireland):


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