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To: "Celtic Party" <>
From: "William Finnerty" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:40:09 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [Celtic Party] Tara, Brehon Law, and Roman Law

Information on the long, difficult, and conflicting relationship between Brehon Law and Roman Law, and the role of Tara (and its ancient heritage sites), can be found below.

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"Vercingetorix (Ireland)" <vercingetorixirelan> wrote:

Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:22:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Vercingetorix \(Ireland\)" <vercingetorixirelan>
Subject: Tara, Brehon Law, and Roman Law
To: "The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla \(Great Banqueting Hall, Hill of Tara\)" <ollamhfodhla@ uk>
CC: Save Tara Group <savetara@yahoogroup>,
Nature Ireland <natureireland@ yahoogroups. com>,
"Human Rights \(Ireland\)" <humanrightsireland@ yahoogroups. com>,
Crooked Lawyers <Crooked-Lawyers@ yahoogroups. com>

Information on the long, difficult, and conflicting relationship between Brehon Law and Roman Law, and the role of Tara (and its ancient heritage sites), can be found below.
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The Lisbon Treaty is a recipe for yet more and bigger social disasters in the world?
by W. Finnerty. Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:45 
An effort has recently been made to respectfully suggest to a selection of senior politicians and lawyers that there are long, strong, and disturbing links between the socially dysfunctional "Julius Caesar" type thinking of 2000 years ago, and the newly proposed Lisbon Treaty.
Voters in the Republic of Ireland (the ONLY voters in Europe so far to get a chance to vote on the Lisbon Treaty) might also like to keep in mind that the Lisbon Treaty contains no mention at all of Brehon Law, which is reputed to be by far the most compassionate and most just ever used in Europe; and, that it is Roman Law (WITHOUT juries) which will be used to decide on all important matters relating to what the UNELECTED members of the European Community Judiciary operating on mainland Europe view as "justice".
A copy of the e-mail used (last Friday), together with the lists of the politicians and lawyers it was sent to, can be viewed at:
http://www.humanrig htsireland. com/ChiefJustice Murray/21March20 08/Email. htm   
Indirectly, using an Internet link just beneath the heading "Kingpin role of legal profession (in supporting corruption)", some of the extremely serious Bunreacht na hEireann (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland) legal issues connected with the completely avoidable destruction of ancient heritage sites in the Hill of Tara area (which is believed to be the home of Brehon Law), have been raised in the above mentioned e-mail. 
More on the long and conflicting relationship between Brehon Law and Roman Law, and the role of Tara (and its ancient heritage sites), can be found via the following link: com/search? hl=en&q=Brehon+Law% 2C+Tara%2C+ Roman+Law&btnG=Search
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The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:
http://www.indymedi 86545#comment223 971
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