Yahoo! Mail

[Celtic Party] "I believe I am dealing with exceptionally dangerous people."

Tuesday, 26 February, 2013 15:15
"Human Rights (Ireland)" <>, "Save Tara Group" <>, "Nature Ireland" <>, "Crooked Lawyers" <>, "Celtic Party (Yahoo Group)" <>
"Republic of Ireland Chief Police Commissioner Martin Callinan" <>, "Wicklow Dail Eireann Member Stephen Donnelly TD" <>, "East Galway Government Minister Ciaran Cannon TD" <>, "Hugh O' Connell" <>, "Irish Medical Organisation President Dr Paul McKeown" <>, "European Movement Ireland" <>, "Sabine K McNeill" <>, "MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION" <>, "Broadcaster and Book Author Bill Still" <>, "Journalist Gavan Reilly" <>, "" <>, "Anthony Coughlan" <>, "Republic of Ireland President and Principal Guardian of Bunreacht na hEireann Dr Michael D Higgins" <>, "P Brennan Executive Officer at Social Welfare Appeals Office Appeal 11/26733" <>, "Carmel Donovan - R5 Advocate" <>, "Regional National Advocacy Service Manager Josephine Keaveney" <>, "Citizens Information Board" <>, "East Galway TD Paul Connaughton Jr" <>, "East Galway TD Colm Keaveney" <>, "East Galway TD Michael Kitt" <>, "LaRouche Political Action Committee" <>, "The Spirit of Celtic Queen Boadicea (East Anglia)" <>, "The Spirit of Celtic Chieftain Vercingetorix (Alesia and Turoe)" <>, "The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla (Tara and Ulster)" <>

The growing criminal activities of the Banksters represents a global scandal (and threat) of gigantic proportions, almost certainly (in my opinion) the biggest and most dangerous humanity as a whole has ever experienced up to now; and, the whole "mountain" of global corruption, crime, cover-ups, and impunity directly connected with the "Bankster Leaders", and their government accomplices, now desperately needs to be thoroughly investigated, and robustly challenged: as an exceptionally serious international, global problem.

But, by who?

Which body of people dares -- has the courage that is -- to challenge the criminal Banksters in the national and/or international law courts? Or, much more simply perhaps: by gently but firmly "showing them the door", and inviting them (for example) to never set foot in the Republic of Ireland again: EVER!!

The Republic of Ireland has the necessary "legal machinery" to stand up to all of the outrageous fraud and crime of the Banksters, particularly because of "this legal and political 'jewel in the crown' (Article 6.1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland) main achievement of our forebears" referred to in the "E-mail dated February 19th 2013 to Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD" section below.

But does the Republic of Ireland have the COURAGE to now make such a desperately needed stand?

"RIGHT IS MIGHT", is it not?


--- On Sun, 24/2/13, William Finnerty <> wrote:

From: William Finnerty <>
Subject: >> Re >>> "Government of the Banksters, by the Banksters, for the Banksters" ...
To: "****** ******" <*******@****.***>
Date: Sunday, 24 February, 2013, 11:06


Like you, I believe I am dealing with exceptionally dangerous people.

I have long lived in fear of them, and what they might do to me next.

However, I also fear doing nothing about them and their revolting activities: and the consequences that that might bring for myself, and, to a lesser extent, for other people generally: including (for example) my grandchildren and their contemporaries who are at present too young to defend themselves against the criminal "Bankster Debt" (for example) which they are at present being saddled with for when they become fully grown-up adults, and which they have little or no control over, or say in, just now.

I've been caught between these two sets of fears for well over 10 years now, and my actions during the period in question always tends to be a representation (of sorts) of a "balancing act" between these two sets of fears (on a daily basis): the fear of trying to do something about these exceptionally dangerous criminal Bankster thugs (by myself almost, it often "feels" like), and the fear of doing nothing at all about them, other than to kowtow and to grovel unnecessarily in open fear of them: the option which the vast majority of "the people" appears to me to be taking up to now.

I don't think it's remotely possible for anybody to try to challenge the Banksters in any major way without taking major risks. And, the bigger and potentially more successful the challenge presented for the Banksters, the bigger the size of the punishment/s that the Banksters can be expected to respond with. Interest usually gets added, compound interest that is!!

Some years ago I asked a traffic warden I knew how he coped with abuse from the public when he issued parking tickets, and he replied: "the ability to take abuse from the public for issuing parking tickets goes with a traffic warden's uniform, and the two cannot be separated. It's part of the job".

Similarly for those who try to challenge Bankster crime it seems to me, but with built-in "Bankster facilities" for "punishment magnification": infinite magnification potentially, or fairly close to it, I would say.

Best wishes,


PS:  The main reason I write to the politicians is to try and make it impossible for them to ever issue statements of the following kinds regarding the government crime I have been subjected to during the past several years:

"We didn't know this was going on."

"If we had been told about it, we would have stopped it; but, we couldn't do anything about it when we didn't even know about it."

"You should have told us earlier", and so on, and on, blah, blah, blah!!

As a consequence of the way I have informed the "elected representatives" ("Bankster representatives" more like) publicly by e-mail regarding my difficulties, they cannot now sensibly comment in such ways regarding (for example) the "government crime" issues of mine I have very publicly raised at:

Or so it seems to me at least?

Similarly with all of the additional (but related) issues connected with the e-mails of mine listed at:


--- On Fri, 22/2/13,  "****** ******" <*******@****.***> wrote:

From: "****** ******" <*******@****.***>
Subject: Re: "Government of the Banksters, by the Banksters, for the Banksters" ...
To: "William Finnerty" <>
Date: Friday, 22 February, 2013, 21:40

Hello Bill

Hope you are keeping well.

Very much with you on the matter of the banksters, a subject that, like yourself, I have studied for quite some time. However, I would caution you to maintain a certain amount of discretion when commenting on these matters. Those who control our money supplies - and the politicians who put their evil schemes into practice - are dangerous people. There are dark forces at work here, dark forces who will stop at very little - including the creation of world wars - to achieve their sordid aims.

There is little point in appealing to politicians, for they are owned and controlled by them (the Banksters that is). Politicians are the devil's handmaidens, the despicable bought-and-paid-for gofers of those who are really in charge.

Appealing to politicians for help against banksters is little different from writing directly to the Rothschilds!

Take care.



On 22/02/2013 18:19, William Finnerty wrote:

February 20, 2013

E-mail dated February 19th 2013 to Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD

By William Finnerty

Enough of the "Government of the Banksters, by the Banksters, for the Banksters" socially disastrous and psychopathic scams and schemes?



E-mail dated February 19th 2013 to Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD
 by W. Finnerty Wed Feb 20, 2013 16:04

An e-mail update (of sorts) was sent yesterday morning to Prime Minister Kenny TD (Republic of Ireland), which was copied to several of his cabinet minister colleagues using the same e-mail. The full text of the e-mail in question can be viewed at the following Internet page address:

Fairly soon afterwards (yesterday morning) I received an e-mail reply from the office of one of the cabinet ministers the e-mail at the above www address was sent to: which suggested, pretty strongly, that the contents of the e-mail at the above address were being treated very seriously by at least one person at the office in question, and that there was the possibility they MIGHT also be seriously considered later by at least one cabinet minister.

Thanks to Article 6.1 of the Republic of Ireland's Constitution, it would now be entirely in order (in my opinion) for the members of the Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) to truthfully and respectfully point out to the Banksters that: "Our hands are tied, and, allowing for all of the growing concerns relating to our nation's present money supply arrangements, we cannot sensibly -- for legal reasons connected with our Constitution -- proceed any further with these matters, which are of extreme 'national policy' interest and of crucial importance relating to the 'common good' of our people, without first consulting with the people of the Republic of Ireland, through the use of a national referendum, on this particular 'money supply' set of issues."

As many may already know, Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland) -- which is a core part of the SUPREME LAW of the Republic of Ireland (and I would say the core part) -- reads, in full, as follows:

"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."

If our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) were to arrange for such a referendum, "the people" of the Republic of Ireland could be asked if they wish to continue on being dependant on the Banksters for the provision of our debt-bearing and interest-bearing money supply (as provided by the Banksters at the present time), or, if we wish our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) to make all of the necessary arrangements for us to provide ourselves -- exclusively by ourselves -- with our own debt-free and interest-free money supply: of the kind that (for example) former Republic of the United States of America President Abraham Lincoln used to fight (and to win!!) the American Civil War with in the 1860's (before being assassinated).

Related Link:
Lincoln's Greenbacks, German inspired Irish 'Greenback' might be the answer?, Human Rights Ireland ...

Changing the subject slightly, the e-mail I received yesterday (referred to above) from the cabinet minister's office, also contained a small amount of promotional material relating to "The Gathering": a national series of community events being planned for the Republic of Ireland later on in 2013.

On seeing this, and after reading some of the "Gathering" material at, I couldn't help thinking to myself "what a wonderful gift it would be for citizens of the Republic of Ireland, at home and all over the world, particularly those who might be seriously thinking of attending one or more of these events in 2013, to see our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) put Article 6.1 of our hard won 'republican and democratic' Constitution to work on our behalf: for the purpose of fully resolving our present money supply problems in an entirely healthy, once-and-for-all, lawful, and peaceful way."

As many will no doubt already know, it required a long series of heart-breaking and bloody struggles, and a long string of closely related reversals of fortune and undoing of major personal sacrifices, between 1169 AD to 1948 AD, for the people of the Republic of Ireland to get the very republican and very democratic "government of the people, by the people, for the people" principles fully in place: IN LAW; and, which are very simply and powerfully embodied in the straightforward and easy for everybody to understand Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann.

Seven hundred and seventy nine (779) years of brutal uphill struggle, involving 25 generations (or so) of "blood, sweat, and tears" at the extreme expense of some dozens of generations of our direct forebears: and all for what?

To have our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) unlawfully throw away -- in effect -- this legal and political "jewel in the crown" main achievement of our forebears, which is deeply embedded in Article 6.1 of our Constitution: so that the Banksters can imprison and enslave us -- and our children and grandchildren, and their children and their grandchildren -- in an ever increasing tsunami of fraudulent debt: debt which, if the Banksters corruption and crime-ridden scams succeed, will (almost certainly in my opinion) be accompanied by a new and more vibrant form of totalitarian rule that will be more obnoxious and globally widespread, more violent (physically and psychologically), and more enduring than anything humanity has thus far ever experienced? And which, once established, might well be completely impossible for humanity as a whole to ever again reverse? Assuming of course that a Bankster inspired -- and financed -- thermonuclear WW3 event does not destroy civilisation in its present state of development at some point along the way (which could happen at any moment): and which could, if such an event ever happens, conceivably destroy humanity as a whole, and maybe even all of "Life on Earth" in its entirety.

It is believed that ninety minutes of so of international thermonuclear bomb-slinging, roughly the same time it takes to complete a normal football game, is all it would take to fully complete a thermonuclear WW3 confrontation: because of the all-important "survival" need -- on both sides -- to try to completely wipe out the other side first, and to do so in the shortest amount of time possible.

Enough of the "Government of the Banksters, by the Banksters, for the Banksters" socially disastrous and psychopathic scams and schemes, their thermonuclear backed regime-change warmongering, and their seemingly endless public displays of utter contempt for human rights law (national and international) based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

It's time for "the people" of the Republic of Ireland to move on, and to get themselves as far away as possible from that "Bankster driven" and most unhealthy and socially destructive totalitarian form of state governance: which, in the case of the Republic of Ireland, is also completely unlawful as well, thanks to the undeniable presence of Article 6.1 in our Constitution.

"The law is the law is the law", and Article 6.1 of the Republic of Ireland's Constitution (please see above) is very straightforward, and very clear.

Irrefutably, under the terms of Article 6.1 of the Republic of Ireland's Constitution, the ONLY body that has the legal authority to govern and control the Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) of the Republic of Ireland is "the people" of the Republic of Ireland: and NOT  the corruption-ridden, crime-ridden, cover-up-ridden, and impunity-ridden Banksters operating out of places such as the City of London, Wall Street, Frankfurt, and elsewhere.

Related Link:
Government of the Banksters, by the Banksters, for the Banksters, Republic of Ireland, William Finnerty ...


The above text is based on a comment dated February 20th 2013 at the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:


Related Internet Web Site ( Human Rights Ireland):


The above message-text is closely related to a publication dated February 20th 2013 at the following OPEN NEWS location:


Rich-text  BACKUP COPIES  of the above message-text can be found at the following Yahoo, Human Rights Ireland, and Inquiring Minds locations:


Related Indymedia (Ireland) Article ...


Related Bankster Challenge ...

"A British challenge for the Banksters and their British Government Accomplices":


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    "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
    but because of those who look on and do nothing."

    Albert Einstein


    new2.gif (897 bytes)   Dealing with injustice   new2.gif (897 bytes)


    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    Dr Martin Luther King Jr
    (Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16th, 1963)



      There is NOTHING to prevent governments producing their own  DEBT-FREE  and  INTEREST-FREE  money.

    It has been done very successfully and very easily before, both by former US President Abraham Lincoln, and by former US President John F. Kennedy (for example).
      "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."  


    Former United States of America President Abraham Lincoln
    (1809 - 1865)

      "Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed - and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian law-maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy."  


    Former United States of America President John F Kennedy
    (1917 - 1963)




      "Il y a assez de tout dans le monde pour satisfaire aux besoins de  l'homme, mais pas assez pour assouvir son avidité."  

    "How you zay in English?"

      "There is enough of everything in the world to satisfy all the needs of mankind, but not its greed."  
      Attributed to:  

    (French Celtic leader executed in Rome at the hands of Julius Caesar in 46 BC)



    Statue of Vercingetorix by Bartholdi, on Place de Jaude, in Clermont-Ferrand


    The inscription reads:


    "J'ai pris les armes pour la liberté de tous"




     "I took up arms for the liberty of all"





    Old Irish Saying:


    "Is é Dia an fhírinne agus saorfaidh an fhírinne muid."


    (God is truth and the truth will free us.)


    The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla


    "It is error alone which needs the support of government.
    Truth can stand by itself."




    "I consider Trial by Jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which
     a government can be held to the principles of its constitution".


    Principal Author of the American Declaration of Independence & Former USA President Thomas Jefferson


    (1743 - 1826)




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    "Opportunity Knocks" E-mails


    Some of the groups the recent  "Opportunity Knocks"  information
    has been sent to are listed in the e-mails at the addresses below:













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     "Impeach now or forever hold up peace" ...

      "Notable legal experts and scholars from both the left and the right, to include former Democrat US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, former Republican Deputy US Attorney General Bruce Fein, and Professor of Law Francis Boyle, have publicly offered their services to assist in carrying out impeachment proceedings against President Obama over his unconstitutional and otherwise illegal war on Libya to any member of Congress willing to step forward and introduce Articles of Impeachment."  

    The above excerpt has come from the following www location:

    18 18

     "Bruce Fein's articles of impeachment discuss the
    run-up to the Libya conflict and conclude:"

      "President Barack Obama, in flagrant violation of his constitutional oath to execute his office as President of the United States and preserve and protect the United States Constitution, has usurped the exclusive authority of Congress to authorize the initiation of war, in that on March 19, 2011 President Obama initiated an offensive military attack against the Republic of Libya without congressional authorization. In so doing, President Obama has arrested the rule of law, and saluted a vandalizing of the Constitution that will occasion ruination of the Republic, the crippling of individual liberty, and a Leviathan government unless the President is impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the Senate."  

    By Bruce Fein (Lawyer in the USA who specializes in constitutional and international law).


    Full text at:




    Interview with Bruce Fein:  

    19 19
    20 20
    21 21

     The "Judiciary Bodies" are the "most dangerous" ...

      "At the establishment of our Constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution and working its change by construction before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account." -- Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:486  
      The above excerpt has been taken from the April 7th 2007 comment at the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:  
      Just a few months after the above mentioned Indymedia publication (i.e. on July 4th 2007), the large, priceless, and irreplaceable ancient heritage site shown at the www address just below -- part of the Hill of Tara complex, which is widely regarded as one of the most important ancient heritage complexes in the world, and the home of Brehon Law -- was "lawfully" (supposedly) destroyed by bulldozers in the circumstances related at the following Internet address:  

      UPDATE (dated August 17th 2011) TO:  
    22 22
      UPDATE (dated August 17th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 18th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 18th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 18th 2011) TO:  
    26 26
      UPDATE (dated August 18th 2011) TO:  
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     Are You Dependant On Criminals For Your Protection?

      "Most of us are simply unwilling to break a law, get arrested and face the prospect of prison time to bring a constitutional challenge. All too often then, such challenges are the result of people who are in the business of breaking the law. Something is badly broken when decent people have to depend (indirectly) on criminals to protect their rights."  

    The excerpt in this section has come from:




      UPDATE (dated August 19th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 19th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 19th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 19th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 19th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 20th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 20th 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 20th 2011) TO:  
    35 35

     "We, the People ..."


    "We, the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men (and women) who pervert the Constitution."


    Abraham Lincoln



      Similarly with regard to all TDs, Senators, the President (who is the primary Guardian of our Constitution), all members of the Judiciary, County Councillors, and all civil servants (for example) in the Republic of Ireland.  
      UPDATE (dated August 21st 2011) TO:  
    36 36
      UPDATE (dated August 21st 2011) TO:  
    37 37

    "No legislative act, therefore,
    contrary to the Constitution, can be valid."

      "Every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid."  

    Alexander Hamilton (First United States Secretary of the Treasury)

      UPDATE (dated August 22nd 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 22nd 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 23rd 2011) TO:  
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      UPDATE (dated August 25th 2011) TO:  
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    The Tri-Partite Separation of Powers of Government
    (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial)

      The Constitutions of the Republic of Ireland and the United States of America are believed to have both been very firmly founded and built on the doctrine of the "tripartite division of powers of government" between the three main branches of government: Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

    Why is it that this core-issue doctrine, which was designed primarily to protect against the well known and all too frequent social horrors associated with government bullying and tyranny -- despotism (in other words) of the kind (for example) the "ruling elites" of Nazi Germany arrogantly and brutally indulged themselves in to "lawfully" (supposedly) murder and otherwise abuse tens of millions of their own and other people, just a mere 2-3 generations ago -- and where the origins of the social protection in question (widely believed by well-informed people since around 500 BC at least, to be essential for the safety of humanity generally) can easily be traced back to the "golden" days of Ancient Greece, now appears to have been completely abandoned (for all practical purposes) by the Government of the Republic of Ireland, and by the Government of the United States of America as well?

    "Abuse of power by one (of the three main branches of government) can be checked by the others and tyranny, hopefully, is prevented." (From  "Principles of Irish Law"   by Dublin Law Lecturer
    Brian Doolan.)

    A Tale of Two Republics

      August 26th 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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      September 23rd 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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      September 29th 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
       Patrick Mahassen of Transparency International
    (Global Coalition Against Corruption)
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      Patrick Mahassen  
      October 1st 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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      October 2nd 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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       Registered Letter  to Social Welfare Inspector Martin Mc Hugo dated October 3rd 2011  
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      October 4th 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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      October 6th 2011 Updates: "Opportunity Knocks?"  
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      October 7th 2011:  
      "Letter requested from you by Martin Mc Hugo (Social Welfare Inspector)"  
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      October 8th 2011:  
      "Letter requested from you by Martin Mc Hugo (Social Welfare Inspector)"  
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      October 9th 2011:  
      "Letter requested from you by Martin Mc Hugo (Social Welfare Inspector)"  
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      October 10th 2011:  
      "Letter requested from you by Martin Mc Hugo (Social Welfare Inspector)"  
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      October 10th 2011:  
      "Letter requested from you by Martin Mc Hugo (Social Welfare Inspector)"  
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      October 12th 2011:  
       "Fw: Missing e-mails"  
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      October 12th 2011:  
      "Fw: Missing e-mails"  
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      October 13th 2011:  
       "The Government Impunity Problem"  
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      October 14th 2011:  
       "Fw: The Government Impunity Problem"  
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      October 18th 2011:  
       "True but ..."  
    101 101
      October 20th 2011:  
       "... the general problem is much, much bigger, ..."  
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      October 22nd 2011:  
       "Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
    103 103
      October 22nd 2011:  
       "Fw: Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
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      October 23rd 2011:  
       "Fw: Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
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      October 24th 2011:  
       "Fw: Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
    106 106
      October 25th 2011:  
       "Fw: Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
    107 107
      October 26th 2011:  
       "Fw: Text of registered letter to Denise McMackin (Social Welfare Deciding Officer)"  
    108 108
      October 27th 2011:  
       "A badly missed opportunity"  
    109 109
      October 27th 2011:  
       "A badly missed opportunity"  
    110 110
      October 27th 2011:  
       "A badly missed opportunity"  
    111 111
      October 27th 2011:  
       "A badly missed opportunity"  
    112 112
    113 *  * 113
      October 31st 2011:  
       Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann  
    114 114
      October 31st 2011:  
       Fw: Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann  
    115 115
      November 1st 2011:  
       Fw: Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann  
    116 116
      November 1st 2011:  
       Fw: Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann  
    117 117
      November 2nd 2011:  
       Registered letter to Chief Appeals Officer (copied to President-elect Michael D Higgins)  
    118 118
      November 5th 2011:  
    119 *  * 119
      November 5th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    120 120
      November 6th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    121 121
      November 7th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    122 122
      November 8th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    123 123
      November 9th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    124 124
      November 9th 2011:  
       "Telling the Truth is on Trial"  
    125 125
      November 10th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    126 126
      November 11th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    127 127
      November 12th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    128 128
      November 13th 2011:  
       The Global Threat For Humanity Posed By Unconstitutional Legislation And Activities  
    129 129
      November 14th 2011:  
       "War Clouds Form Over Iran"  
    130 130
      November 14th 2011:  
       "War Clouds Form Over Iran"  
    131 131
      November 14th 2011:  
       "War Clouds Form Over Iran"  
    132 132
      November 15th 2011:  
       "War Clouds Form Over Iran"  
    133 133
      November 15th 2011:  
        One way the "Occupy Wall Street" movement might be expanded ...  
    134 134
      November 16th 2011:  
        Jury Nullification Issues  
    135 135
      November 19th 2011:  
       The Unconstitutional And Unlawful Transfer Of Our National Sovereignty  
    136 136
      November 20th 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    137 137
      November 21st 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    138 138
      November 22nd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    139 139
      November 22nd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    140 140
      November 22nd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    141 141
      November 23rd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    142 142
      November 23rd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    143 143
      November 23rd 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    144 144
      November 24th 2011:  
       Notes Sent To Two Village Police Officers in the Republic of Ireland  
    145 145
      November 27th 2011:  
       "This is not a weekend like other weekends."  
    146 146
      November 28th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    147 147
      November 28th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    148 148
      November 29th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    149 149
      November 30th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    150 150
      December 1st 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    151 151
      December 2nd 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    152 152
      December 4th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    153 153
      December 5th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    154 154
      December 5th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    155 155
      December 6th 2011:  
       "Do You Know What Thermonuclear Weapons Mean?"  
    156 156
      December 7th 2011:  
       "Never send a boy on a man's errand."  
    157 157
      December 8th 2011:  
         Government Crime    
    158 158
      December 9th 2011:  
         Are Israel, Syria, and Iran being used as primers for WW3 ignition?   
    159 159
      December 10th 2011:  
         Are Israel, Syria, and Iran being used as primers for WW3 ignition?   
    160 160
      December 11th 2011:  
         Are Israel, Syria, and Iran being used as primers for WW3 ignition?   
    161 161
      December 12th 2011:  
         Are Israel, Syria, and Iran being used as primers for WW3 ignition?   
    162 162
      December 13th 2011:  
         Are Israel, Syria, and Iran being used as primers for WW3 ignition?   
    163 163
      December 15th 2011:  
        "Grossly corrupt legal profession continues to support government crime"  
    164 164
      December 15th 2011:  
        "Grossly corrupt legal profession continues to support government crime"  
    165 165
      December 15th 2011:  
        "Grossly corrupt legal profession continues to support government crime"  
    166 166
      December 16th 2011:  
        "Grossly corrupt legal profession continues to support government crime"  
    167 167
      December 17th 2011:  
        "Grossly corrupt legal profession continues to support government crime"  
    168 168
      For additions to this list made after December 17th 2011 please click on the following link:  

    This Internet Web Site is Dedicated to the Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla


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      *  Items 9, 113, and 119 on the above list are "Open News Diary Entries"  *  


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    "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
    but because of those who look on and do nothing."

    Albert Einstein


    new2.gif (897 bytes)   Dealing with injustice   new2.gif (897 bytes)


    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    Dr Martin Luther King Jr
    (Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16th, 1963)



      There is NOTHING to prevent governments producing their own  DEBT-FREE  and  INTEREST-FREE  money.

    It has been done very successfully and very easily before, both by former US President Abraham Lincoln, and by former US President John F. Kennedy (for example).
      "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."  


    Former United States of America President Abraham Lincoln
    (1809 - 1865)

      "Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed - and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian law-maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy."  


    Former United States of America President John F Kennedy
    (1917 - 1963)




      "Il y a assez de tout dans le monde pour satisfaire aux besoins de  l'homme, mais pas assez pour assouvir son avidité."  

    "How you zay in English?"

      "There is enough of everything in the world to satisfy all the needs of mankind, but not its greed."  
      Attributed to:  

    (French Celtic leader executed in Rome at the hands of Julius Caesar in 46 BC)



    Statue of Vercingetorix by Bartholdi, on Place de Jaude, in Clermont-Ferrand


    The inscription reads:


    "J'ai pris les armes pour la liberté de tous"




     "I took up arms for the liberty of all"





    Old Irish Saying:


    "Is é Dia an fhírinne agus saorfaidh an fhírinne muid."


    (God is truth and the truth will free us.)


    The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla


    "It is error alone which needs the support of government.
    Truth can stand by itself."




    "I consider Trial by Jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which
     a government can be held to the principles of its constitution".


    Principal Author of the American Declaration of Independence & Former USA President Thomas Jefferson


    (1743 - 1826)




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