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Judge Geoffrey Browne granted a request for a further adjournment of William Finnerty's case at the May 6th 2015 Sitting of Loughrea District Court (last Wednesday), and the case is at present re-scheduled to be heard in July (2015).

The text of a letter handed to the Clerk of Loughrea District Court last Wednesday morning -- by Gerald Finnerty (William Finnerty's brother), and Marjorie Dolan (William Finnerty's half-sister) -- which is believed to be self-explanatory, is provided in the section below.


The Presiding Judge and all Officers of the Loughrea District Court
The Courthouse
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.

Wednesday, May 6th 2015.

Dear Presiding Judge and all Officers of the Loughrea District Court,

RE: Case Number 2014/233698 to be heard at the May 6th 2015 Sitting at Loughrea District Courthouse

I feel I cannot sensibly attend today's Court Hearing because, since around 2002, I have been suffering very badly with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), evidence of which can be found in the attached copy of the "To Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th 2005 from Dr Michael McCavert GP; and, that attendance at today's Court Hearing would (I believe) undoubtedly exacerbate my C-PTSD condition in major ways. This belief of mine is, I understand, shared by Dr Deirdre Mulryan (Medical Doctor, Senior Registrar, and Psychotherapist at Ballinasloe Day Hospital), with whom I have had a number of lengthy telephone conversations during recent months. I also understand that Dr Deirdre Mulryan has written to An Garda Siochana (Republic of Ireland Police) in Loughrea at least once earlier this year regarding my particular situation: along very similar lines to what I relate here.

Since last December (2014), there has been a very significant increase in the symptoms of the C-PTSD psychological injuries I suffer from, and in particular those relating to the frequency and intensity of the panic-attacks I am at present experiencing: which, as you may already know, can be extremely freighting in ways. Far more worrying for me though is the fact that combinations of the set of C-PTSD symptoms I suffer from, can, given the right set of circumstances, very suddenly appear in an entirely involuntary way for me: and, for people not familiar with the symptoms of C-PTSD, the results can very easily be grossly misunderstood, and also grossly misrepresented very easily, in ways which have no meaningful relationship with reality. This fact has, I believe, the potential to create extremely serious legal consequences for me: if I were to attempt to appear in a Court of Law at the present time.

My understanding is that Brendan Glynn (Solicitor) will be in Court today to represent myself, my brother (Gerald Finnerty), and my half-sister (Marjorie Dolan), both of whom also intend to be present; and, that Mr Glynn plans to ask the Court for a further adjournment of my case so that we have the necessary time needed to prepare my legal defence. Further information relating to this is contained in a registered letter I sent to the Clerk of Loughrea District (Ms Josie Mulherin) last Saturday (May 2nd 2015), and, a scanned copy of the full letter in question, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office registered-letter receipts, all in PDF Format, can be viewed at the following www location:…/2…/RegisteredLetters.pdf

It would be very much appreciated if the Presiding Judge at today's Sitting of the Loughrea District Court would please grant Mr Brendan Glynn (acting on my behalf) a further adjournment of my case, because, among a number of other things, I believe it might be a very important step in helping me to recover from the C-PTSD psychological injuries I am at present suffering from.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.

c/o Finnerty's Shop
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.

Copy of "To Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th 2005 from Dr Michael McCavert GP.


A scanned copy (in PDF Format) of the actual May 6th 2015 letter referred to above can be viewed at:…/Sca…/6May2015/Letter.pdf


Loughrea District Courthouse:

William Finnerty's photo.
  • Jean Hooper What has William Finnerty alleged to have done to deserve this severe psychological inhumane as well as the inevitable physical manifestations of a stress induced condition?
  • Jean Hooper I am a retired nurse and as such am unable to understand why the Irish authorities are detrmined to depict such harassing, bullying inhumane behaviour towards a man who is ill and being made iller by the tactics of the authorities.there is enough stress and suffering in the world without the apparent deliberate viscious harassing and quite frankly bullying behaviour of the Irish Government against Mr Finnerty.
  • William Finnerty ===



    Many thanks for your supportive comments.

    There are two things about them that I find particularly helpful.

    The first is that although we have never met each other, or ever even spoken to each other over the phone or anything of that kind, you have nevertheless (with ease I suspect) managed to accurately "see" the situation I find myself in, entirely from what I have written about it on the www system.

    The second is that you are obviously not afraid to "speak your mind" in public regarding things you "see" that displease and concern you.

    One of my big hopes for the future is that, as more and more people learn how to use the www "social media" facilities (such as FACEBOOK and similar for example), more and more effectively, the "government bullies" will -- eventually -- be forced to face the "big fat worm" of their own "in denial" situation regarding their own outrageous bullying: and that the final "showdown" will arrive, and be delivered to them, by peaceful and lawful means.

    Although the history books are full of useful factual information regarding the eventual fate of "ruling elites" -- from the "Caesars" to the "Tsars" (and beyond in both directions!!) -- who convinced themselves they did not have to listen to "the people", and that they could keep on bullying "the people" for as long as they liked, in any way they liked, all such historical information seems to be entirely wasted on our present crop (of "ruling elites"): so far at least, it appears to me?

    Related Search Engine Listing:
    "Government Bullies, William Finnerty"


    "If anyone you know is being bullied,
    contact your nearest Government Office for help":
    William Finnerty's photo.
  • Jean Hooper I have been trained at Uni to recognise bullying traits and also STUDIED SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND sOCIOLOGY AND THE STRUCTURE OF oRGANISATIONS.STUDIED SOCIAL ADMINISTRATIon and sociology bureacratic Organisations who have a reputation for bullying.
  • Jean Hooper I replied but was unable to edit it. I studied Sociology and social administration at Uni and was trained to recognise the structure of Organisations and bullying in the workplace. Bullying, inflexibility, unaccountability, having to fit in in order to try to retain ones sanity not to mention job are all characteristics of a bullying culture and a bureaucratic Organisation . Tjis is wht you re up against. These people do not like to be questioned or criticised. No amount of reasoned arguments will convince them that they are in the wrong. Best way to handle such people is to avoid them. Have to find alternative methods to aacheive peace of mind. These Organisations are soul less and callous. Post traumatic stress disorder is a natural response to stress. Be assured that these bullies know exactly what buttons to press to elicit an angry response so that this can be used against the person making it. This is called entrapment which as I understand it is a criminal offence. It is also a criminal offence to alarm and distress people which is what these Public servants appear to have set out to do then acheive with yourself.
  • Jean Hooper regarding the cartoon. Yes this is typical. Bullying is an addiction which like all addictions has to be nurtured to gratify the bully. People will use rigid rules and regulations to justify their behaviour. At the end of the day if the reaction of the bully or bullying Organisation presents itself as being threatening and intimidating or causing distress and illnesses as it has in your case then these pople have in my opinion committed a criminal offence. These people will never be brought to task because there are bound to be too many people involved who rae the insigators and/or real culprits of the piece.have
  • Jean Hooper If you can say as little as possible. Get your solicitor or medical advisors to speak on your behalf because they are in a strongr position to do so than you are. The authorities cannot ignore medical opinions that point out that you are suffering from severe PSTD caused by the stress of how the Irish authorities have treated you.
  • Jean Hooper Now it is time for these authoritarian figures to have the good grace to do the decent thing and back down and get off your back and give you some peace of mind.
  • William Finnerty ===



    Many thanks for your additional comments, which, based on my own very direct experiences of "government bullies" over a period of several years, and with the one BIG exception related below, I have no difficult in agreeing with.

    "The authorities cannot ignore medical opinions that point out that you are suffering from severe PSTD caused by the stress of how the Irish authorities have treated you."

    With regard to the comment of yours just above, I feel I need to state, in the strongest way I possibly can, that, up to very recently -- and I'm talking "days" -- there is an enormous amount of evidence, that the above statement of yours most definitely does not hold true here in the Republic of Ireland. (The recent decision made last Wednesday by Judge Geoffrey Brown to grant me a further "adjournment" to prepare my legal defence might, I hope, represent some kind of "change of heart"; but, I still feel it's far, far too early to be sure, or to even assume that this actually is the case.)

    You -- and other readers -- may wish to note that, for well over nine years now, the Republic of Ireland "authorities" have been completely ignoring the entire contents of the "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005 referred to in the section below, which is really an excerpt from an email dated August 14th 2014 that I sent to the present Republic of Ireland Health Minister Dr Leo Varadkar:

    By the way, and in case you might be left in any doubt about it after reading the text in the section just below, the Republic of Ireland still -- and for no good reason whatsoever that I know of -- refusing to pay me my old age pension: which I should have been receiving since March 2011.

    === === ===

    "To Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th 2005 written by Dr Michael McCavert GP

    "Firstly that William's symptoms and behaviours are the result of traumas and stresses over years and these traumas and stresses have come at the hands of individuals and public officials and bodies that he has encountered in his struggles to try to correct environmental wrong doings.

    "He has suffered considerable frustration at not being able to get legal representation and indeed has been refused legal aid as well."

    "On reviewing the depth and range of his symptoms he has got PTSD Complex as a result of all his traumas."

    "I think William's mental health is very much at risk and any attempt to produce undue pressure on his mental state will certainly have a detrimental effect."

    The full text of Dr Michael McCavert's October 28th 2005 letter can be viewed in the scanned copy of it at the following www location:

    As can be seen at the two www locations provided just below, scanned copies of Dr Michael McCavert's "To Whom It May Concern" letter October 28th 2005 have been included (as attachments) to letters sent through the registered post to Republic of Ireland Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton TD (on March 16th 2011), and to Republic of Ireland President and Dr Michael D Higgins (on November 2nd 2011):

    A related "Set of Three Registered Letters" was sent to Dr Anne Jeffers (Republic of Ireland Consultant Psychiatrist), to Dr Anthony McCarthy (President of The College of Psychiatry of Ireland), and to Dr James Reilly TD (Former Republic of Ireland Minister for Health) on May 28th 2013. Scanned copies of all three letters, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office receipts and delivery notes can be viewed at the following www locations:

    William Finnerty has never received any reply of any kind, not even an acknowledgement of receipt, from any of the three medical doctors that the registered letters referred to at the three www locations immediately above were sent to.

    === === ===

    Later today a full copy of this e-mail will be placed at the following www location:

    === === ====
    ", fervently do we pray ... ... that government of the...
  • Jean Hooper Dear WilliamThanks for the info. yes Judge Geoffrey Brown has at least agreed to an adjournment.This may be a good sign let us take this as a positive step forward.
    I would simply thank the doctors for their input and
    ...See More
  • William Finnerty ===



    Thanks for all your help and guidance.

    I'll be mindful of it, and considering it, in the days and weeks ahead.


    The thought has crossed my mind that the Irish Times Article at the www location immediately below may also be of interest to some who find themselves in my kind of situation.

    "Dealing with injustice"
    (By Dublin-based Psychologist Marie Murray)


    Psychologist Marie Murphy:
    William Finnerty's photo.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
  • Jean Hooper William, I feel that you have enough to think about preparing yourself for your appearance before Judge Geoffrey brown. You have the support of the medical profession in this situation. You have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .
  • Jean Hooper This is a major step forward.
  • Jean Hooper William You have been diagnosed with PTSD by reputable unbiased drs this is a major step forward. If you can show that you recognise that you are ill and that stress has increased this and worsenned your condition and that having recognised what has happened to you that you are now seeking medical help and that you are prepared to be guided by the Judge then that will be a massive step forward for you. Think of it in terms of rehabilitation following an illness. we have all had to do this at some time or another. I am only trying to help you to acheive some peace of mind whiich at the end of the day is what you are seeking. llet others fight their own battles for the moment. You have your own agenda to sort out and I know that you can.I can see that you can. Please do not let others try to rev or wind you up because you do not know their motives for doing so. You have to put your needs first now. Just keep telling tyourself that Judge Brown is taking you seriously and so you must leave it to him now as well as your medical advisors.
  • William Finnerty
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