William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Housing Rights Referral
1 message

Yolande Robertson-Greene <Yolande@housingrights.org.uk>Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 1:48 PM
To: William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>
Good afternoon William

I attempted to contact you by phone earlier but it appears that your landline may be programmed to reject private callers.

Following our recent telephone/ email communications I have discussed your case in detail with Housing Rights' casework team and the Services Manager and would advise as follows:

 Housing Rights is not best placed to assist you with challenging your negative Pension Credit decision as this is not within our area of specialisation. I would advise that you may be best seeking alternative support ahead of your tribunal hearing and perhaps you may wish to contact Age NI on 0808 808 7575 or Law Centre NI on 0289 024 4401 for specialist advice. Housing rights would be happy to make a referral if you wish but please be advised that each agency would has its own criteria re assessment of merit of referred cases.

If your Tribunal hearing is successful your benefits would be backdated in full but if your hearing is unsuccessful you could contact Housing Rights in the future for assistance with regards negotiating a repayment plan or for housing advice.

Regarding the matter of legal assistance to return home to the South of Ireland unfortunately Housing Rights cannot assist. You would be best to seek independent legal advice and you may contact the Law Society for recommendations.

In light of the circumstances outlined above your case cannot be progressed any further. However if you require further one off advice please feel free to contact our Helpline.

Best regards 

Yolande Robertson-Greene, Housing Adviser
Housing Rights

T: (028) 9024 5640
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