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Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link 1916 in 2016 08:47 Mon Nov 17, 2014

offsite link IRELAND, POLAND AND FRACKING 07:56 Mon Nov 17, 2014

offsite link WHEN IT COMES TO THE BANKS, LEAVE PLOT AT THE DOOR 22:24 Fri Nov 14, 2014

offsite link Irish Labour Movement 1889-1924 - Lecture Seven: Civil War and Retreat 18:46 Fri Nov 07, 2014

offsite link Global Finance, Money and Power - Lecture Eight: Futures and Options 09:37 Thu Nov 06, 2014

Dublin Opinion >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link The Rise of Sinn Fein and the Abuse of the Past Fri Nov 14, 2014 15:23 | Fergus O'Farrell

offsite link No Peace in the Void Wed Nov 12, 2014 17:07 | Seán Sheehan

offsite link Stability Tue Nov 11, 2014 17:42 | Marion Cox

offsite link Water Charges and TTIP! Mon Nov 10, 2014 16:14 | Frank Keoghan

offsite link Peoples News: Where?s your mandate, Mr Bruton? Mon Nov 10, 2014 15:41 | Irish Left Review

Irish Left Review >>

Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Anti-vaccination movements, children?s? rights and private power Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:42 | GuestPost

offsite link Preventing impunity for serious human rights abuses: The Zimbabwe Torture Docket Case Thu Nov 13, 2014 13:08 | Charles O'Mahony

offsite link Human Trafficking ? Modern Slavery in Ireland Wed Nov 12, 2014 15:20 | Yvonne Daly

offsite link Direct Provision Still Under the Spotlight Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:41 | Liam Thornton

offsite link Ireland?s Policing Authority Mon Nov 10, 2014 15:54 | Vicky Conway

Human Rights in Ireland >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

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offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

Dublin - Event Notice
Wednesday October 22 2014
05:00 PM

Stop The Poolbeg Incinerator -Protest March To Dail - Weds 22nd Oct

category dublin | environment | event notice author Thursday October 02, 2014 23:13author by pk Report this post to the editors

Meeting at Ringsend church at 5pm and marching to the Dail. Meet us at the Dail from 6-8pm

Pressure is to be put on politicians - if this incinerator is not stopped they will lose votes (next year or early 2016 is a general election)
We need to highlight and get people of Dublin involved - this is a Dublin incinerator that will affect whole of Dublin and Ireland.

The Minister for Environment Alan Kelly can stop this incinerator if he gives the power back to Dublin City Councillors to make decisions about waste management.

We are asking people to join in our protest on Wednesday 22nd October - meeting at Ringsend church at 5pm and marching to the Dail. Stop the Poolbeg/Dublin Incinerator! (Meet us at the Dail from 6-8pm)

Location of massive incinerator. Well placed for poisoning the people of Dublin
Location of massive incinerator. Well placed for poisoning the people of Dublin

A message from CRAI- Combined Residents Against Incineration, who have fought this project for the last 17 years, and won a few times, before it has been slipped under again in recent weeks:

Well over 60 people attended the meeting with local residents from Ringsend, Irishtown and Sandymount joined with residents from Fairview and Marino and local politicians.

The meeting was very clear the local community is determined to use people power to stop the incinerator going ahead A legal challenge is being mounted to try and stop the incinerator - this includes finding discrepancies between what the planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanala and the EPA includes and what the contract is for now e.g. changing from 25 to 45 years and now including waste from all over Ireland and not just Dublin.

Pressure is to be put on politicians - if this incinerator is not stopped they will lose votes (next year or early 2016 is a general election)

We need to highlight and get people of Dublin involved - this is a Dublin incinerator that will affect whole of Dublin and Ireland.

The Minister for Environment Alan Kelly can stop this incinerator if he gives the power back to Dublin City Councillors to make decisions about waste management.

We are asking people to join in our protest on Wednesday 22nd October - meeting at Ringsend church at 5pm and marching to the Dail. Stop the Poolbeg/Dublin Incinerator! (Meet us at the Dail from 6-8pm)

Stop the build of a 600,000 ton Toxic Waste Incinerator in Dublin Bays Poolbeg. Due to start in two weeks time. Your health depends on it!

Update: There is a petition which you can sign and it is here: http://www.change.org/p/minister-kelly-change-the-waste-management-act-2001-to-allow-the-elected-councillors-of-dublin-city-council-to-stop-the-poolbeg-dublin-toxic-incinerator It is titled: Change the Waste Management Act 2001 to allow the elected councillors of Dublin City Council to stop the Poolbeg/Dublin toxic incinerator

The opening text is:

The unelected Dublin City Council executive management have announced that they have given the private multinational Covanta the permission to start construction on the 600,000 tonne Poolbeg/Dublin Incinerator which will be located at the heart of the beautiful Dublin Bay in Dublin's South Inner City.

The Council signed a 45 year contract which will see Covanta make hundreds of millions in profit while the health of Dublin people is destroyed.

The local community has campaigned for almost 10 years against this toxic incinerator.

If the incinerator (which will be the largest in Europe) goes ahead it will destroy their health (and those of all Dublin), clog the roads with traffic, damage the climate, reverse recycling rates, and result in toxic ash being transported around Dublin and Ireland.

The elected representatives of the Dublin people - the Dublin city councillors - recently voted 50 to 2 against the decision of City Council Manager to go ahead with the contract with Covanta.

This incinerator is anti-health, anti-climate and anti-democratic.

Construction is only weeks away from starting on site.

We need people power from across Dublin, Ireland and international to stop this incinerator gong ahead.

If the councillors are given back the powers over waste management by the Minister for Environment then they can vote to stop the Poolbeg/Dublin Incinerator.

Please sign the petition calling on the Minister for Environment, Alan Kelly to transfer responsibility for decision making waste management away from the unelected City council executive and back to democratically elected councillors in Dublin City Council so they can stop the Poolbeg/Dublin toxic incinerator.


Related Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-The-Poolbeg-Inciner...78575

A pic of the overturned truck en route to Poolbeg, where the incinerator will be. If this incinerator goes through, there will be 250 toxic carrying trucks DAILY driving to and from Poolbeg into our city streets, narrow and small, with potential to tip to
A pic of the overturned truck en route to Poolbeg, where the incinerator will be. If this incinerator goes through, there will be 250 toxic carrying trucks DAILY driving to and from Poolbeg into our city streets, narrow and small, with potential to tip to


author by infopublication date Thu Oct 02, 2014 23:29Report this post to the editors

CRAI is also raising funds for their public court case against this.

Here are the account details if you can donate even 1 euro to help fight the cause on a legal front.

Combined Residents Against Incineration.
Bank Of Ireland
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Branch sort code 90-09-73
Account Number - 9009 7327 6689 08

author by Maura Harrington - pers cappublication date Sun Oct 05, 2014 17:39Report this post to the editors

From experience, would urge extreme wariness towards a whole lot people, organisations etc.

I'm thinking particularly of An Taisce and what they did in their last Judicial Review (JR) of part of the Shell/Corrib project.

There was money collected, both locally in Erris, and nationally, to fund the JR; An Taisce's subsequent behaviour was, I believe, nothing short of disgraceful - the JR was 'settled' with the state for what amounted to a mess of potage.

There are many good, altruistic members of this body but, as in most things in this rotten state, the closer you get to the top the more 'iffy' things become ... and they're not the only ones ...

I can be contacted by phone if anybody wishes - 087 959 1474.

author by ruapublication date Wed Oct 08, 2014 08:42Report this post to the editors

Im absolutely horrified and appalled that this rubbish burning incinerator is going ahead,im also disgusted that enda kenny was invited to a do a climate change speech,the man is such a hypocrite.
I will be donating 50 euros next week for this into your account,this is an absolute disgrace and it needs some credible opposition..

author by W. Finnertypublication date Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:44Report this post to the editors

The full text (in over two dozen languages) of the United Nations "Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters" -- the "UN Aarhus Convention Treaty" in other words, is available via the following UN web page:

As far as I know, and although I'm not a lawyer, now that the Republic of Ireland has ratified this UN Treaty, the Government of the Republic of Ireland can be brought before the appropriate law courts if they violate it.

Related Indymedia (Ireland) link:

author by Stop Poolbeg Incineratorpublication date Sat Oct 18, 2014 13:38Report this post to the editors

Please spread the word - protest against the Monster Incinerator that Dublin City Council Management is pushing through against the wishes of the Dublin people. This will not just affect the people of Ringsend and Sandymount where the incinerator will be built but all people living in Dublin. It will pump out hazardous toxins for decades - it will be run by a private US company - Covanta who have been fined for numerous breaches of pollution levels in the US. This is anti-health, anti-democratic and anti-environment. Join the protest on the 22nd from Ringsend Church at 5pm to the Dail or meet us at the Dail 6pm

author by markuspublication date Sun Oct 19, 2014 08:51Report this post to the editors

This is not just a dublin problem,these fumes/toxic smoke can blow all over ireland,wherever the wind takes it...And who asks for a 45 year contract and gets it anyway?

A smoker has a choice if he/she wants to wreck her/his lungs,what choice do we have in breathing in these toxic fumes?

Where are our rights?

Its a public nusiance and also endangers the heatlh of the population around dublin and beyond..

The nature of these companies are very secretive,look at any plastic manufacturing company they are shrouded in secrecy.

What we don't realise with these companies is that plastic by products graunels are added to exfoliators and toothpastes,im only going to brush with natural eco friendly powder toothpastes with no plastics in them.

Imagine injesting the plastics from your toothpaste,how many times have people accidently swallowed some of their toothpastes?

There is so much plastic added to everyday things we don't realise.

The minister for the enviornment should be throughlly ashamed of himself,letting rubbish burning facility for this go ahead and standing idly by,it is clear he is not doing his job! He should be fired asap.

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Oct 19, 2014 18:21Report this post to the editors

"Viniczay added that the committee's decision could prevent Austria from approving the incinerator, which is seen as an environmental and health hazard for Hungarian towns just across the border."

"Austria has discriminated against Szentgotthard by denying the town an opportunity to lodge an appeal against its decision. This is why the town has decided to approach the UN's Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention in connection with the Heiligenkreuz project, the mayor said."

"The Aarhus Convention was signed in 1998 (by the Republic of Ireland as well) to ensure an opportunity for all affected parties to participate in procedures concerning projects of a significant environmental impact."

The three excerpts just above are from the following www location:

Assuming they ever get to hear of the plans for the Poolbeg Incinerator, and allowing for the prevailing "winds from the west that blow across the seas to Ireland", I wonder how "the people" of places such as Holyhead, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds (and surrounds), for example, would take to the idea of being saddled with regular doses of airborne "Poolbeg Dioxins, PCBs, and Heavy Metals" for the coming 40 years or so: whether they like it or not?

Map showing parts of Wales and England to the East of Poolbeg (which is very near, or possibly part of, the City of Dublin):

Of course when the wind is from the Eastern, the Southern, and the Northern directions, it's "the people" of Ireland who will be saddled with the "toxic" set of airborne problems in question: whether they like it or not, and assuming that this particular project ever comes to fruition, that is.

Related Link:
"Incinerators, Dioxins, PCBs, and Heavy Metals, Health Hazards ..."

All of the people I know who have read it, seem to feel that it is not really necessary to be a lawyer to get the "general picture" of what the official text of this crucially important piece of United Nations "human rights law" represents, and strives for: as set out in the official version of the "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" pdf text at the following UN www location:

author by W. Finnertypublication date Tue Oct 21, 2014 15:39Report this post to the editors

Excerpts from "Health Effects of Waste Incinerators" Report by CHASE (Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment) ...

"Incineration does not destroy waste – it merely converts it to other forms, such as: stack gases, minute dust particles, and ash. All these contain pollutants that are harmful to our health.

Emissions from incinerators include: dioxins, PCBs, heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc.). All of these are persistent, bio- accumulative and toxic.

Dioxins and PCBs are toxic chemicals that can have severe health effects, especially on the developing foetus and young children. Known health effects include: cancer, impairment of the immune, hormonal, and reproductive systems, congenital abnormalities, delayed cognitive and motor development in children, disruption of critical stages of embryonic development. (Source: WHO and International Agency for Research on Cancer).

But by far the greatest risk of exposure to dioxin is through the food we eat. Dioxin from incinerator emissions settles on vegetation, in soil, and in the oceans, and so enters the food chain."

The above excerpts have all come from:


" ... and in the oceans ..." (please see above):

The planned Poolbeg Incinerator, in the Dublin Harbour area, seems to be ideally located for spewing toxins of the types referred to above into the Irish Sea; and, allowing for the highly dynamic ways in which sea currents operate, it appears reasonable to assume that a significant proportion of these toxins would have no little or no difficulty at all probably in making their way from the Irish Sea out into the Atlantic Ocean: and thus into the "marine food-chain" of both the Irish Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean?

Related e-mail to a selection of Yahoo Groups, dated October 19th 2014, and titled "The law is the law, is the law, is the law ...":

author by W. Finnertypublication date Mon Nov 03, 2014 20:38Report this post to the editors

The text below has almost all come from the following www location:

=== === ===

Brendan (Kelly) and Philomena (Cornu),

With this coming Wednesday's (November 5th 2014) High Court "Aarhus Convention Treaty" challenges in mind, the main reason I'm now sending you the information in the section below is because I have in recent weeks come across a few bits and pieces of "www text" (by accident while looking for something else) which has strongly suggested to me that the "Waste Management" legislation being used -- JUST NOW APPARENTLY -- to try to RAM THROUGH the "Poolbeg Incinerator Project (in the Dublin Harbour Area)", is almost certainly the exact same, or very similar, to that which was the subject of the failed "An Bord Pleanala Appeal" I sent through the registered post on February 21st 2004 (Bord Pleanala Reference Numbers: PL 07.205181 and P.A.Reg.Ref: 02/3811). Also, and as Brendan will no doubt confirm, we both sat through the entire An Board Pleanala "oral hearing" which followed, which was held in an Oranmore Hotel (near Galway City), and which lasted for several days.

More information relating to this potentially "extremely serious" matter can be found below.

=== === ===

Excerpts from the "An Bord Pleanala Appeal" text dated February 21st 2004:

"As I mentioned to four local politicians at the end of an Anti-Dump Meeting in Kilconnell on December 8th 2003, I have long believed that Waste Management (Amendment) Act 2001 is in breach of Article 28A of the written Constitution of the Republic of Ireland. This is because of the fact that it completely removes all power from the democratically elected local government politicians regarding important local community matters connected with the location of huge rubbish dumps (e.g. those now planned for Kilconnell and New Inn), and instead places it entirely in the hands of UNELECTED County Council managers."

"I also e-mailed all of the Galway TDs regarding this matter on December 17th 2003. In response, I received an e-mail from Minister Eamon O'Cuiv T.D. dated December 23rd 2003 stating that as Article 28A (and the closely related Aarhus Convention Agreement) "comes under the remit" of Minister for Justice Michael McDowell T.D., he had forwarded my e-mail to him for "direct reply" to me. To date, I have heard nothing at all from Minister McDowell."

"As I trust Board Pleanala will understand, the fact that the politicians concerned appear unable to answer me suggests that there really is something VERY seriously wrong regarding the constitutionality of Waste Management (Amendment) Act 2001."

"Please note that the problem with Article 28A of the Constitution has also been pointed out to the European Parliament (just over 2 years ago). This can be seen at:
http://homepage.eircom.net/~kellybrendan/petition1/feb-...2.htm "

=== === ===

The full text of the Bord Pleanala Appeal dated February 21st 2004 can be viewed at the following www location:

More information on the "Poolbeg Incinerator Project (for which VERY ADVANCED plans are ALREADY in place I understand) can be found at the following www location:

A final point ...

A final point relating to the "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" is that I have also come across what I believe is good quality legal information which very strongly suggests (to me at least) that, under international law, once any country "signs up" to such a treaty, they immediately -- from that MOMENT onwards -- become legally obliged to NOT do anything which would UNDERMINE it.

Sadly, and almost unbelievably (as I see things), all that the entire membership, of all of the three main branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) of the Republic of Ireland governments have been doing up to now, since, that is, the government -- of the time -- signed the "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" in 1998, is to make smithereens out of it; and, which the entire membership of the present Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial), without a SINGLE exception as far as I know, is STILL doing: well over 16 years later.

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
"Making smithereens of the Aarhus Convention Agreement, Human Rights Ireland ..."

=== === ===

Closely Related FACEBOOK Publication:

=== === ===

author by W. Finnertypublication date Tue Nov 04, 2014 17:57Report this post to the editors

The origin of the text in the section below, written this afternoon, can be viewed via the following www link:

=== === ===

Brendan and Philomena,

RE: "We were hoping to get the Aarhus Law Tested in the High Court tomorrow but the Barrister defending the 10 does not want to use it because he thinks Irish Law takes Precedence!" ... ( From https://www.facebook.com/philomena.cornu )

Although I'm not a lawyer, and although I don't know what charges any of "the 10" are facing tomorrow, I nevertheless believe the above lawyer's statement is incorrect for the following reasons:

1) According to the contents of the United Nations web page at the address just below, the Aarhus Convention Agreement VERY CLEARLY has the status of a United Nations "TREATY":

2) The following piece of Wikipedia text states that "A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as an (international) agreement, protocol, covenant, convention, pact, or exchange of letters, among other terms. Regardless of terminology, all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same." (From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty )

How can Irish law take precedence over international law?

Personally, I can't help feeling the "the 10" would do well to get the advice (in writing) of an international lawyer or law-firm before they go any further; and, if necessary to ask to have tomorrow's hearing postponed until they have found such a lawyer (or law firm) to advise them.

Finally, a few excerpts from a related Indymedia (Ireland) comment dated November 3rd 2014 at:
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/105046#comment299807 :

"Sadly, and almost unbelievably (as I see things), all that the entire membership, of all of the three main branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) of the Republic of Ireland governments have been doing up to now, since, that is, the government -- of the time -- signed the "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" in 1998, is to make smithereens out of it; and, which the entire membership of the present Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial), without a SINGLE exception as far as I know, is STILL doing: well over 16 years later."

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
"Making smithereens of the Aarhus Convention Agreement, Human Rights Ireland ..."

And, all because the Republic of Ireland legal profession has been VERY SUCCESSFULLY fooling "the people" of the Republic of Ireland for the past 16 years or so regarding their legal rights under "Aarhus"?

Enough is enough!!

All things considered, it appears to me that -- one way and another -- there might be a LOT AT STAKE here for "the people" of the Republic of Ireland?

=== === ===

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Nov 09, 2014 13:44Report this post to the editors

The United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty, and the Republic of Ireland "Environmental (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 are closely linked ...

What the "Environmental (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011" is basically:



The text in the paragraph just above has come from:

Further important information relating to the above, which includes a 13 minute 24 second audio report, can be found at:

As might be expected, taking into account the way things appear to have been done (up to now) regarding the planned Poolbeg Incinerator Project, the content of the audio report referred to in the paragraph just above suggests (to me at least) that there are MASSIVE PRACTICAL FAILINGS on the part of the Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) to uphold the principles of the international United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty, which it signed up for in 1998, and ratified in 2012.

It seems our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) "can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk", regarding this EXCEPTIONALLY important "human rights" UN treaty?

Similarly of course with regard to "Irish Water", The "Rossport Situation" (Shell Oil), certain "Coillte Projects" (I understand), the Celtic Waste/Greenstar Rubbish Dump in Kilconnell, Fracking Plans/Liciences, and so on.

author by W. Finnertypublication date Mon Nov 10, 2014 14:24Report this post to the editors

The text in the section below, which is believed to be self-explanatory, has come from a FACEBOOK message published this morning.

=== === ===


RE: https://www.facebook.com/philomena.cornu/posts/85530059...37753

Many thanks for this information, and all of your ongoing efforts.

I feel sure that many people all around the world will be deeply appreciative of what you are doing by way of trying to correct the way that all of the potential benefits of the "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" have -- so far -- "failed to register" here in the Republic of Ireland.

I personally have long believed that, years ago, "Aarhus" should have been embedded -- "lock, stock, and barrel" -- as an "Amendment" into Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland), especially when it is the case that there is little (or possibly nothing) in Bunreacht na hEireann that relates directly to the important matter of the protection of the environment.

Best wishes,

William (Billy) Finnerty.

PS: A thought ...

"Is é Dia an fhírinne agus saorfaidh an fhírinne muid."
"God is truth, and the truth will free us from the falsehoods which have entrapped us."

Related NOVEMBER 3rd 2004 "United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty" APPLICATION FOR LEGAL AID information:

Related "Government Corruption, Crime, Cover Ups, Bullying, and Impunity" Information Listing:

=== === ===

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sat Nov 15, 2014 13:56Report this post to the editors

A United Nations "Aarhus Treaty" related e-mail was sent last Thursday (November 13th 2014) to Republic of Ireland Chief Justice Susan Denham.

Titled "Government Crime, Government Criminals, and Government Impunity", last Thursday's e-mail was also copied to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD, and to Republic of Ireland President Dr Michael D Higgins.

A full copy of the "Gmail Email" in question, which, in addition to the three people referred to above, was also copied to over one hundred other e-mail addresses (using the same e-mail), can be viewed at the following www location:

author by wageslave - (moderator)publication date Sat Nov 15, 2014 18:15Report this post to the editors

william, a chara

I am requesting that you not swamp threads with many consecutive long posts as you have done here, mirroring material that you have already posted elsewhere on your personal blog and making essentially the same few points multiple times. Such behaviour puts off other commentators from contributing and resulted in a temporary ban for you previously. I'd really prefer not to have to resort to such drastic action again, as I know your heart is in the right place.

So, In future, maybe just one or two shorter comments per topic that is of interest to you with a link or two to the relevant material you have posted on your blog where you are dealing with or discussing the matter in more depth should suffice. Readers can then pursue the matter on your blog if they so desire. How does that sound?

- moderator

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sat Nov 15, 2014 19:51Report this post to the editors


I am happy to try and meet your request.

Though you would not believe me I suspect, swamping Indymedia threads, or any other threads, has never been of any interest whatsoever to me.

I fully agree though, and can easily see, that, to some, this thread (for instance) may look as though I am trying to swamp it. However, I don't think it would appear that way if other people were contributing with comments of their own.

Why is it -- I often find myself asking myself -- that nobody (other than myself) has a word to say so far about the United Nations Aarhus Treaty on this thread: which (as far as I know) is potentially the most important environmental treaty ever created to date, and the one and only thing I know of (apart from the proper enforcement of Article 6.1 of our Constitution) which might stop the Poolbeg Incinerator?

All that said though, I still do intend to seriously try to meet the request you have just made to me.

Best wishes,


author by wageslavepublication date Sun Nov 16, 2014 00:27Report this post to the editors

definitely agree re: nobody commenting on aarhaus William.
You may be aware of a certain K. Fitzpatrick, law student in Galway currently taking some action in this regard.
And sadly we have fewer comments on most threads these days, which makes the swamping effect seem more obvious I agree
Please understand, I wasn't saying you were deliberately trying to swamp threads William. I know you weren't.
as I said, I know your heart is in the right place. But the end result is the same. I appreciate your polite understanding thanks
I will hide these posts in the next day or so as ed related ok?

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Nov 16, 2014 20:00Report this post to the editors


I'm very pleased you have responded in the way that you did. Thank you.

Thanks also for the "K Fitzpatrick" information, which I had not heard anything of until you mentioned it.

Since then, I have found that Kieran Fitzpatrick really does seem to be making some good quality attempts to make the potential benefits of the UN Aarhus Treaty a reality for all of us. For anybody interested, more information on his efforts can be found at:

Best wishes,


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