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C-PTSD type bullying, and the universality and indivisibility of human rights ...   Message List  
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Information (from what I regard as good quality professional sources) which I
have found on the Internet -- and which I believe is fully supported by common
sense, strongly suggests that in order to recover from the C-PTSD injuries I now
suffer from, I need to achieve "settlement, resolution and closure".


Dear Lady Ashton (New High Representative of the European Union for Foreign

In connection with what I feel is a very long and growing string of outrageous
and convoluted psychological abuses over the past 10 years or so -- which has
resulted (for me) in the set of major C-PTSD (Complex-Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder) type psychological injuries that I am at present trying to recover
from -- I wrote to Prime Minister Gordon Brown MP on November 30th last
regarding my "Right to an effective remedy" under the terms of Article 47 of The
Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union: which I understand
"became law" on December 1st 2009.

Unfortunately, I have not received any reply of any kind from Prime Minster
Gordon Brown.

A copy of the text of the letter in question (which I believe is
self-explanatory), together with the associated Post Office registration
receipts, can be seen at:\

Please note that printed versions of my November 30th 2009 letter to Prime
Minister Brown were also sent, using the registered postal services, to Republic
of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowan TD, and to Mr Ivan Armstrong who is the
Omagh District Manager of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). It is
also the case that I have not received any reply of any kind from Prime Minister
Cowan, or from Mr Armstrong; and, in addition, that none of my belongings being
held by the NIHE and the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) have arrived
at my brother's address, as I have requested.

With further reference to Article 47 of The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of
the European Union, I wish you to know that I am particularly interested in the
section which states: "Everyone shall have the possibility of being advised,
defended, and represented".

Apart from just one instance, which involved a number of discussions over a
period of some days with a German judge who was briefly visiting England on
family business in 2002, I have never -- throughout the past 10 years or so --
succeeded in finding a single lawyer (or a law firm or a legal body) willing to
even discuss the factual existence of human rights law with me, let alone use it
to advise, defend, and represent me. This, as I see things, is the main reason
why I cannot recover from the C-PTSD injuries I am now suffering from.

Although I believe the legal advice the German judge in question gave me was
potentially very good, which, allowing for the fact that I could not find any
lawyer (or law firm) willing to help me -- either in England, or in the Republic
of Ireland -- was basically to try and place the whole matter into the hands of
Amnesty International. However, when I then tried to put this piece of legal
advice into practice, Amnesty International claimed, several days after my
discussions with the judge had ended, that they had not received the registered
letter (which contained irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing on two compact disks)
that I had sent to them. Additional information regarding this particular
attempt of mine to get justice, which later involved the London Metropolitan
Police Service, and Mr and Mrs Tony Blair (former UK Prime Minister), can be
found in the "Cherie Booth" section of my November 30th 2009 letter Prime
Minister Gordon Brown referred to

Information (from what I regard as good quality professional sources) which I
have found on the Internet -- and which I believe is fully supported by common
sense, strongly suggests that in order to recover from the C-PTSD injuries I now
suffer from, I need to achieve "settlement, resolution and closure". In order to
achieve these things I also need to get justice; and, to get justice I need the
services of a knowledgeable and competent lawyer who is prepared to use human
rights law on my behalf.

Allowing for the fact that I have not received any reply or response of any kind
from Prime Minister Brown, or from Prime Minister Cowan to my November 30th
letter (in which I requested help from them of the kind I am now seeking from
you), and also allowing for the public comments regarding "the rule of law and
the universality and indivisibility of human rights"
which you have recently
stated in public on behalf of the European Union, it would be much appreciated
if you could please advice me as to how -- in PRACTICE -- I can have the benefit
of this set of principles and assurances in my every day life.

I feel I should point out that when public officials and bodies I write to
requesting such help fail to even acknowledge receipt of my requests -- as
appears (to me) to be what is happening regarding my November 30th 2009 letters
to Prime Minister Brown and Prime Minister Cowan -- that it invariably and
significantly adds new dimensions and extra strength to the overall set of
C-PTSD injuries I have earlier received "at the hands of individuals and public
officials and bodies" in my "struggles to try to correct environmental
wrongdoing" (in the words of Dr Michael McCavert GP): due to the accumulative
nature of C-PTSD.

I feel I should also point out that included among the many disappointments and
set-backs I have had over the past 10 years or so regarding such requests for
help, are those connected with the e-mail dated December 21st 2001 (eight years
ago today) I sent through the registered post to Margot Wallstrom (and several
other people), during the period when she was the European Union Environment

With reference to the "freedoms guaranteed by the law" aspect of Article 47 of 
The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, please note that
within a few months of I sending the December 21st 2001 e-mail (and the
associated registered letter) to Margot Wallstrom referred to in the paragraph
just above, there followed the first of two separate attempts by Republic of
Ireland public officials to maliciously criminalise me by grossly corrupt means
(as I see it), which involved former Republic of Ireland Justice Minister (and
former Attorney General) Michael McDowell; and, that in order to avoid being
criminalised, which I did actually manage to do -- even though I could not find
any human rights lawyer (or lawyer of any kind) to help me -- this very limited
piece of success for me came at the extreme cost of I having to spend two
separate periods (totalling approximately four years and four months) of living
in "forced exile" outside the
Republic of Ireland jurisdiction: entirely against my wishes.

In connection with the issues outlined in the paragraph immediately above, I
would be grateful if you would please take careful note of the letter sent to
former Justice Minister McDowell by Gerard Madden (Senior Social Worker) dated
November 7th 2005, a scanned copy of which can be viewed at:\

I am hoping that I will receive a written reply from you within the coming three
weeks or so regarding this request for help with finding a lawyer who will
provide me with the practical assistance I need to achieve the effective remedy
which Article 47 of The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union
clearly states is a "Right" for "Everyone".

For future reference purposes I will later today place a copy of this e-mail at
the following Internet location:

If the link just above fails for any reason, please try the following "tiny url"

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.


From:  ...

"I am looking forward to working closely with colleagues in the Council, the
Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States to strengthen Europe's
foreign policy. We will do this with determination and with full respect for the
values that the European Union stands for, above all peace and prosperity,
freedom and democracy, the rule of law and the universality and indivisibility
of human rights

The Right Honourable The Baroness Ashton of Upholland

(High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and
Vice President of the European Commission.)



Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:03 am

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Information (from what I regard as good quality professional sources) which I have found on the Internet -- and which I believe is fully supported by common...

William Finnerty
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"The universality and indivisibility of human rights"





Several other groups of people have been sent the above information.
For some of the details please see via the links provided below.

Bully On Line:


The European Council of Foreign Affairs:

The Irish Farmers Association and Media Contacts:

The Irish Peace And Neutrality Alliance

Human Rights
and Media organisations:

Yahoo Groups:

The Right Honourable The Baroness Ashton of Upholland

(High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
 and Vice President of the European Commission.)

and miscellaneous group of politicians, lawyers, police, clergy, care workers, and medical doctors:





"The universality and indivisibility of human rights"



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