GmailWilliam Finnerty <>

This afternoon's 2.30 pm appointment

William Finnerty <>Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 12:55 PM
To: Paula Martin at Newry Homecare <>
Cc: Fiona McVerry at Newry Homecare <>, Helen O'Hare of Homecare <>, Homecare Independent Living <>, Newry based Psychotherapist Biggy Hoffman at PIPS <>, Newry based Northern Ireland Housing Executive Team Leader Niall Fitzpatrick <>, Newry based Northern Ireland Housing Executive Manager Michael Keenan <>, Northern Ireland South Area Housing Executive Benefit Manager Mrs Pricilla Cartmill Re Application Reference 1000223623 <>, NORTHERN IRELAND PENSION SERVICE Reference YH625974D <>, Northern Ireland Southern Health and Social Care Trust SAFEGUARDING ADULTS TEAM <>, UK Health Business Services Organisation Headquarters in Belfast RE Major Problems with three Newry GPs Ref YH615974D <>, William Finnerty Yahoo Account <>, William Finnerty <>


Thank you for your email of yesterday. 

I was very pleased to hear from you.

I have not been "out and about" for the past several days, and I will not be able to call at your office this afternoon (at 2.30 pm).

As you may know, PIPS (Newry based Charity Suicide Prevention Organisation) officially "discharged me" (if that's the right term) on February 22nd 2016. As far as I know, PIPS (as I understand it via Jenny, the PIPS therapist I have recently had five weekly counselling sessions with including the final one on February 22nd), believe I need the services of a psychotherapist who has experience of treating people with C-PTSD (Complex - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which PIPS are unable to provide me with (mostly because of funding issues I understand); and, at the same time, they (PIPS) also seem to be absolutely convinced that there is at least one suitably experienced and qualified therapist working at Daisy Hill Hospital, that I would benefit from seeing. Consequently, I understand that PIPS (possibly via Biggy Hoffman?) have written to my GP (Dr Radcliffe), on my behalf, regarding these matters, sometime before February 22nd 2016 apparently.

PIPS (via Jenny) also suggested to me (on February 22nd) that I should go to see Dr Radcliffe GP as soon as possible. However, and as I explained to Jenny, also on February 22nd, Dr Radcliffe GP -- assuming I understood him correctly -- has already informed me (the last time I saw him) that, in so far as he is aware, there is nobody, at the present time, at Daisy Hill Hospital, qualified to provide me with the treatment I need for the form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I am suffering from.

Nevertheless, I do intend, if I can, to go and see Dr Radcliffe GP sometime during the coming week (i.e. March 7th to 11th 2016), as there are a few other issues, apart from the above-mentioned C-PTSD one, and which include my high PSA count (prostate problem), that I would also like to discuss with him.

Meanwhile, I feel it might help me a lot if you could very briefly outline the basic details -- either by email, or, if you wish, through the normal post -- of what the "process" (which you have mentioned in yesterday's email to me) is that Patsy Heaney (and perhaps yourself, and others possibly?) requires of me, in order for me to have my belongings (at present being held by Patsy Heaney of Clanrye Properties) returned to me?

Kind regards,

William (Finnerty).



Please also see copy of closely related Email dated February 22nd 2016:
(Titled: "Belongings of mine being held by Clanrye Properties") 


         END OF EMAIL TEXT   



Related Scanned Copies of Registered Letters dated January 26th 2015 to Health Minister Dr Leo Varadkar, and Senior Registrar Dr Deirdre Mulryan:


  Scanned Copy of "Acknowledgement of Receipt" from Dr Deirdre Mulryan:



 Closely Related Set of Emails Titled: 



























' For how much longer is this injustice-ridden
 and crime-saturated "situation" going
 to be allowed to continue? '



Republic of Ireland Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD


  Related Email to Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald
  ( TITLED: 'EU Article 47 "Right to an effective remedy" ...'




"Impunity means the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the perpetrators of violations to account - whether in criminal, civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings - since they are not subject to any inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and, if found guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their victims".

( The above United Nations text is from: )


Related E-Mail:
"Impunity, The FED's (Federal Reserve Bank's) ultimate weapon of mass corruption and destruction"




"Thoughts on Government"


"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."


John Adams
(Second President of the Republic of the United States of America)


"Politics is the Science of human Happiness - and the Felicity of Societies depends on the
Constitutions of Government under which they live.





"The Unfinished Work"


"-- and that government of the people,
 by the people, for the people,
 shall not perish from the earth --



Assassinated United States President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865).
( )

 ".. and he (President Abraham Lincoln) held up as a beacon to the South one of his deepest beliefs ..."
  "A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does, of necessity, fly to anarchy or despotism."  

 First Inaugural Address
(March 4th, 1861)


"The Longman History of the United States of America"
by Historian & Biographer
Hugh (Vercingetorix) Brogan


  "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."  

Former United States of America President Abraham Lincoln

  "The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only moonlight by the sun of Lincoln."   Leo Tolstoy  



Celtic Queen Boudica
(and her two daughters)

"For any Celtic woman (i.e. a women with Celtic genes) who might be in need of a bit of inspiration, and who has not yet heard of her, there are probably very few better recorded examples than that provided by  Boudica   (Celtic Queen of the Icini People) - who very nearly succeeded in driving the "super bully" Nero and his Roman Legions out of England (circa AD 60)." 


"The beginning of the 17th Century saw English (Roman) law and rule prevail in Ireland and the Irish laws outlawed and declared barbarous.  These 'barbarous' laws (The Brehon Laws)   had been what had kept the English from implanting its feudal system in Ireland and from completing its conquest of Ireland for four centuries. These ancient 'barbarous' laws of Ireland have since been recognized as the most advanced system of jurisprudence in the ancient world, a system under which the doctrine of the equality of man was understood and under which a deeply humane and cultured society flourished."




 Circa 5,000 Year Old Equinox-Detector Backstone  
(at Cairn T, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, County Meath)

Cairn T is believed to be the burial place of
King Ollamh Fodhla
King of Ireland from 1317 - 1277 BC

Chief Justice Susan Denham

Republic of Ireland Chief Justice Susan Denham

Registered Letter
(PDF Format) dated May 13th 2014 to Chief Justice Susan Denham:
(Please see 3rd Registered Letter in the "Set of Three" at the above www location.)

Registered Letter
dated February 20th 2014 to Chief Justice Susan Denham:

Registered Letter
dated September 20th 2013 to Chief Justice Susan Denham:

Registered Letter
dated March 4th 2013 to Chief Justice Susan Denham:

From William Finnerty's viewpoint, it appears that Chief Justice Susan Denham must have decided to  COMPLETELY IGNORE  the entire existence (and the contents) of the four registered letters referred to above.

It is certainly the case that William Finnerty has never received ANY "acknowledgement of receipt", of ANY kind, from Chief Justice Susan Denham (or from any of her support staff), for any of the four registered letters referred to above.


Imperial Judiciary

 How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary  
By Dr. Edwin Vieira

 "It is time to put the Judiciary back in its proper place. Dr. Edwin Vieira, a Trustee of The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF) and a brilliant legal scholar, has comprehensively addressed these and other issues in this study commissioned by the TCCF, 'Constitutional and Statutory Remedies for Judicial Usurpation and Tyranny."

   "The most important constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of the rule of law and the ability of 'the people' to enforce true law by restraining runaway activist judges. For decades, such judges have been simply making up law. What is worse, liberal and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behaviour by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate.   

"In this brilliant, accessible, and documented work, Dr. Edwin Vieira offers us the best researched and clearest overview to date of 'the power of the people' to control a runaway judiciary."




Related Set of Legal Issues ...

 The Three VERY UGLY Brothers & Sisters-in-Law ...
(Nonfeasance, Misfeasance, and Malfeasance)

“Nonfeasance”: is to ignore and take no indicated action –  neglect

“Misfeasance”: is to take inappropriate action or give intentionally incorrect advice.

“Malfeasance”: is hostile, aggressive action taken to injure the client’s interests.

Copy of related Indymedia (Ireland) Message:



"Master Lawyer/Politician" Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers and Third President of the United States of America:

"At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the   MOST DANGEROUS;  that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account."

Related E-Mail sent to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD on August 7th 2012:

Related Web Site:

  Ace of Hearts  


Bratach na hÉireann


(Flag of the Republic of Ireland)



Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland):

"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."







Hand Of History, Burden of Pseudo History
(Tom O Connor)


(July 13th 2003)




The Celts
First Masters of Europe

The Celts, Turoe Stone, Human Rights Ireland ...

"Lovers of gold, wine and war, the Celts have no voice because they have left no written records. Much of what we know of them comes from their enemies the Romans, who finally crushed them, and from the weapons and ornaments they buried with their dead. From these traces we can now resurrect a sophisticated people who dominated Europe for 500 years. These highly cultured "barbarians", with their exquisite jewellery and metalwork, were eventually driven to the edges of the known world - yet were destined to shine out once more in the art of  Celtic Christianity."   
Chi Rho


  "Chi Rho" Page from The Book Of Kells: 

'Despite the fact that is has been severely damaged in a number of ways, the eighth century  Book of Kells (for instance), is still considered by many to be the most beautiful book ever written in human history; and the gifted hands of the people who produced it were the direct descendants of the same race of people who cut and carved The Turoe Stone (Circa 150 BC). Much of the Celtic "pen and ink" art is based on designs developed much earlier (in pre-Christian times) for decorating metalwork - and sometimes large stones (as can be seen below).'


 ' The above page, which contains examples of almost all the varieties of design found in  Celtic art,  is considered by many to be the most elaborate and most magnificent specimen of calligraphy ever produced. It represents the opening words of Saint Matthew's Gospel:
                                                                   "Now came the birth of Jesus Christ ....." '


The above text, and the above image in this section have come from the following www location:


The Tripartite Division of Powers of Government


Example of a "Very Ancient Legal Instrument" for Preventing Unconstitutional Legislation, and the  USURPING   
of Constitutional Law By Governments

'Using the words of Dublin based barrister and law-lecturer
Brian Doolan (from his book titled "Principles of Irish Law", on Page 11 of the Fifth Edition), the core expectation of abiding by the tripartite separation of powers doctrine is that the "Abuse of power by (any) one (of the three main branches of government) can be checked by (any one or both of) the others, and tyranny, hopefully, is prevented".'

The excerpt immediately above is from:

  "The Constitution of the Republic of Ireland, according to O'Dalaigh CJ. in In re Haughey (1971), is founded on the doctrine of the tripartite division of powers of government (i.e. between the three main branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial)."  

Related Internet Search Engine Listing:

"Tripartite Division of Powers of Government, Human Rights Ireland, William Finnerty ..."




"I consider Trial by Jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which
 a government can be held to the principles of its constitution".


Principal Author of the American Declaration of Independence & Former USA President Thomas Jefferson


(1743 - 1826)




  "Il y a assez de tout dans le monde pour satisfaire aux besoins de  l'homme, mais pas assez pour assouvir son avidité."  

"How you zay in English?"

  "There is enough of everything in the world to satisfy all the needs of humanity, but not its greed."  
  Attributed to:  

(French Celtic leader publicly executed in Rome at the hands of Julius Caesar in 46 BC)



Statue of Vercingetorix by Bartholdi, on Place de Jaude, in Clermont-Ferrand


The inscription reads:


"J'ai pris les armes pour la liberté de tous"




 "I took up arms for the LIBERTY of all" 


as in
"Freedom From Injustice For Every Body"
(Human and Non-Human)


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