Scanned Copy of Registered Letter at: 




Text of letter sent to Northern Ireland Law Society dated January 28th 2017:


To: Mr. John Mackell
Director of Client (Solicitor) Complaints
The Law Society of Northern Ireland
Law Society House
96 Victoria Street
Northern Ireland

January 28th 2017

Your Reference: JM/MB

Dear Mr Mackell,


Thank you for your letter dated November 14th 2016, and the enclosures.

In connection with this complaint, I wish you to know that, for a number of reasons, I have done my best to try to avoid making it. Mindful, for example, of the suggestion "It is in the interest of both you and the Solicitor that you try and resolve any outstanding concerns about the nature of the work between you", in Section 9 of the Northern Ireland Law Society CCFO "SOLICITORS' IN-HOUSE COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE FORM", I have delayed writing this letter to you in the hope of finding some other means of resolving my outstanding concerns, without the need to formally complain to the Law Society of Northern Ireland. However, and despite my best efforts to keep Ms Moley and Mr McGuigan informed and updated regarding the several outstanding legal, medical, financial, and social difficulties that I continue to struggle with, I have not heard anything at all from Ms Louise Moley, or from Mr Ronan McGuigan, since the email and letter I received from McGuigan and Malone Solicitors dated August 19th 2016, printed copies of which have been placed in the enclosed A4 plastic pocket holder marked H 13. There are also scanned copies of these two items at the following www location:

My most recent attempt to communicate with Ms Moley and Mr McGuigan can be viewed in the email I copied to both of them dated December 29th 2016.There is a slightly edited copy the email in question at:
an unedited "Gmail PDF" version of the same email at:

Please find enclosed my completed CCF1 Law Society Complaints Form, which together with related notes consisting of six A4 sheets I have attached to the CCF1 Form, have been placed in the enclosed A4 plastic pocket holder marked H 14. 

Within the coming few days, I intend to place a copy of this letter on the www system which I hope will make it easier for you to access the several www links contained in this letter, and in other items of correspondence enclosed with this letter.  I will place the copy at the following www location:

Should there be any further information in connection with this complaint that you need from me, please let me know and I will do my best to provide you with it as soon as I can.

It would be much appreciated if you, or one of your colleagues at the Northern Ireland Law Society, could please let me have an acknowledgement of receipt for this letter.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.

** ******** ****
Northern Ireland
*** ***


ENCLOSED:  Please find enclosed a folder containing fifteen A4 plastic pocket holders marked H 1 to H 15, the contents of which are all listed on the A4 sheet that has been placed in the holder marked H 2.

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List of enclosures sent with January 28th 2017 letter to Northern Ireland Law Society:



 H 1) Registered letter dated January 28th 2017 to John Mackell, at The Northern Ireland Law Society.
Internet copy at:

H 2) List of items enclosed with the January 28th 2017 letter to The Northern Ireland Law Society.
Internet copy at:

H 3) Copies of "set of six" A4 "discussion sheets" taken to, and left with, Louise Moley LL.B on October 19th 2015.
Internet copy at:

H 4) Registered Letter dated November 5th 2015: "Request for additional legal advice" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 5) December 14th 2015 PDF Email: "File to be submitted to the PPS (Public Prosecution Service)" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 6) December 23rd 2015 PDF Email: "Belongings of mine being held by Clanrye Properties" (Sent by W. Finnerty).  
Internet copy at:

H 7) January 18th 2016 PDF Email: No "Right to an effective remedy in practice?" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 8) May 16th Word Doc. / May 17th 2016 Email: "Emails" (Sent by Laura Salamin, at McGuigan Malone Solicitors).
Internet copy at:

H 9) June 23rd 2016 Registered letter: "First Step of Law Society's Complaints Procedure (Northern Ireland)" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 10) June 28th 2016 "Your Case" letter (Sent by Ronan McGuigan).
Internet copy at:

H 11) July 1st 2016 PDF Email: "The possibility of major misunderstandings arising" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 12) July 13th 2016 Registered Letter: "The right to an effective remedy" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 13) August 19th 2016: "RE: YOUR COMPLAINT (Louise Moley Email) / PDF Attachment (pp McGuigan Malone).  
Internet copy at:

H 14) Completed Complaint Form for Northern Ireland Law Society dated January 28th 2016.
Internet copy at:

H 15) "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005, written by Dr Michael McCavert GP.
Internet copy at:



Complaints Form (with notes) sent with January 28th 2017 letter to Northern Ireland Law Society:










NOTE #1 (RE: My telephone number):

Although I do have a telephone number, I only use it for outgoing calls. This is because I wish to avoid receiving unwanted and unhelpful calls from people who seem to have little or no knowledge or understanding of the chronic PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) I am suffering from. I have found that such people are inclined to say things to me in conversations which exacerbate, sometimes in major ways, the symptoms of this PTSD medical condition.

Evidence of this chronic PTSD condition I am suffering from can be viewed in the enclosed copy of the "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005 from Dr Michael McCavert GP, who used to be my GP when I lived in Omagh. The copy of Dr McCavert’s letter has been placed in the enclosed A4 plastic pocket holder marked H 15. Using two registered letters, I have tried to get an updated version of Dr McCavert's October 28th 2005 "To Whom It May Concern" letter by writing to my present GP, Dr John Radcliffe, at the Meadowlands Surgery in Newry. Unfortunately, and for reasons unknown to me, I have so far not received any reply of any kind from anybody connected with the Meadowlands Surgery to these two letters. Scanned copies of the two registered letters sent by me to Dr Radcliffe GP, dated April 26th 2016 and August 1st 2016, can be viewed at the www locations provided just below:
Registered Letter #1 (April 26th 2016):
Registered Letter #2 (August 1st 2016):

I feel I should also inform you that on account of the fact that I have a number of unresolved legal problems, Newry Daisy Hill Hospital Consultant Psychologist Dr Elizabeth McMonagle has informed me, on May 17th 2016, that I can not be provided with "talking therapy" for the chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I have now been suffering from for the past 17 years or so. The reason for this, according to Dr McMonagle, and assuming I understood her correctly, is that there is some kind of hospital rule which prevents the "Daisy Hill Hospital Support and Recovery Team" from providing such therapy for individuals who, like myself, are struggling with unresolved legal problems. Additional information relating to this ban can be found in the email dated May 26th 2016 that I sent to Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster LL.B, MLA, a Gmail PDF copy of which can be viewed at the following www location:

You may wish to note that lawyer Louise Moley LL.B was among those the email at the www address just above was copied to, and that I sent it to her partly in the hope that she, or one of the several other professional lawyers included on the "Cc" list of the email, might provide me with some legal advise on the legality of the ban on "talking therapy" referred to in the paragraph just above. My understanding is that decisions relating to this ban also involved Newry's Daisy Hill Hospital Consulted Psychiatrist Dr Mark McCauley, who I had two consultations with at Daisy Hill Hospital some months before May 17th 2016.

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RE: PART 2 OF NI LAW SOCIETY CCF1 COMPLAINT FORM - Details of the solicitor you are complaining about

NOTE #2 (RE: Name of lawyers, the original law firm, and the present law firm involved):

Louise Moley LL.B and Ronan McGuigan LL.B used to work for McGuigan Malone Solicitors in Newry. I have reason to believe that the law firm of McGuigan Malone Solicitors may have shut down on November 1st 2016. As far as I know, both Ms Moley and Mr McGuigan now work for the Newry law firm of Fisher and Fisher Solicitors, which is located at the following address:

Fisher and Fisher Solicitors
9 John Mitchel Place
County Down,
Northern Ireland
BT34 2BS.

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RE: PART 3 OF NI LAW SOCIETY CCF1 COMPLAINT FORM - Who is your solicitor acting for?

NOTE #3 (RE: My initial complaint letter, and four other items of closely associated correspondence):

a) Please find enclosed a printed copy of my initial complaint letter to Louise Moley dated June 23rd 2016, which was sent to her through the registered post. It has been placed in the A4 plastic pocket holder marked H 9. There is also a scanned copy of it at the following www location:

b) A printed copy of the June 28th 2016 email reply I received from Ronan McGuigan has been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 10.
Internet copy at:

c) A printed copy of my July 1st 2016 email response to Ronan McGuigan's June 28th 2016 email to me has been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 11.
Internet copy at:

d) A printed copy of my additional response to Ronan McGuigan's June 28th 2016 email to me, which I sent to him through the registered post on July 13th 2016, is located in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 12.
Internet copy at:

e) Printed copies of the McGuigan Malone Solicitors most recent reply to me, consisting of an email and an attached letter, both dated August 19th 2016, have been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 13.
Internet copy at:

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RE: PART 4 OF NI LAW SOCIETY CCF1 COMPLAINT FORM - Nature of Work and relevant issues

NOTE #4 (RE: the kind of legal work involved):

The legal work in question involves what I see as basic principles and issues relating to the overall contents of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, which I understand came fully into force in December 2009. For several years now, I have been particularly interested in the basic principles "of being advised, defended and represented", as stated in the text of Article 47 of this EU Charter. As I pointed out in Section 6 of my July 13th 2016 registered letter to Ronan McGuigan, referred to at d) under NOTE #3 above, the text of Article 47 of this EU Charter reads as follows:

"Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial 

Everyone whose rights and freedoms guaranteed by the law of the Union are violated has the right to an effective remedy before a tribunal in compliance with the conditions laid down in this Article.

Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law. Everyone shall have the possibility of being advised, defended and represented.

Legal aid shall be made available to those who lack sufficient resources in so far as such aid is necessary to ensure effective access to justice."


NOTE #5 (RE: When did you last instruct your solicitor?):

I last instructed Louise Moley using an email I sent to her on December 23rd 2015. The instruction is reproduced in the excerpt from my December 23rd 2015 email to her just below:

'If the manner in which Clanrye Properties are holding onto my belongings (as outlined above) is not lawful, it would be much appreciated if you could please take whatever legal action you feel is appropriate, on my behalf, for the purpose of enabling Niall Fitzpatrick and Michael Keenan to transport my belongings from 31 Kilmorey Street to my present temporary address. Niall Fitzpatrick and Michael Keenan have both assured me that once "the way is clear for them", they will act on my behalf regarding the transfer of my belongings without any undue delay.'

A printed copy of the December 23rd 2015 email in question has been placed in the A4 holder marked H 6. My instruction to Louise Moley is on the 2nd paragraph of Page 2 of the enclosed copy.

A full copy of my December 23rd 2015 email to Louise Moley can also be viewed at the following www location:

In what was partly an attempt by me to try and remind Louise Moley of my ongoing inability to find legal representation of the kind which recognised my legal right (as I see it) "of being advised, defended and represented", as stated in the text of Article 47 of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, and, in addition, to try to point out to her some of the closely related negative practical consequences, for me personally, of not having any such legal representation, I sent another email directly to her on January 18th 2016.

A printed copy of the January 18th 2016 email in question has been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 7. A full copy of my January 18th 2016 email to Louise Moley can also be viewed at the following www location:

On May 17th 2016 I received an email from Laura Salamin at McGuigan Malone Solicitors together with an unsigned attached Word document dated May 16th 2016 which stated, among other things, we have "no live matters for you".

Printed copies of the McGuigan Malone Solicitors Word document of May 16th 2016, and the associated May 17th 2016 email, have been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 8. Scanned copies of both items can be viewed at the following www location:

You may wish to note that the belongings of mine referred to above have not been returned to me.


NOTE #6 (RE: How are you paying for the work?):

I signed papers during my October 19th 2015 meeting with Louise Moley which I believed would have enabled her to receive legal aid payments for the legal work she did for me, subject (I assume) to approval by one or more of the three separate legal aid schemes which I understand are in use in Northern Ireland.

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("The Facts"):

I first visited Louise Moley's office on October 19th 2015, basically for the purpose of trying to find a professional lawyer who 1) recognised the factual existence of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, and 2) had the ability and the willingness to use it on my behalf for my benefit and protection. I took with me a set of six A4 sheets of "marked up" papers, which I left with her, containing information relating to a selection of the overall set of legal, medical, financial and social difficulties I was experiencing at the time. Close to identical copies of the set of six A4 "marked up" sheets in question have been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 3. My very clear understanding, at the end of my October 19th 2015 meeting with Louise Moley, was that she would give further consideration to the matters I had discussed with her during the hour-long meeting I had just had with her; and, that at a later date, she would advise me further regarding the overall set of legal matters and issues in question. To date, I have not received any legal advice from Louise Moley regarding any of the legal matters and issues I raised with her during my October 19th 2015 meeting with her.

There is also an Internet copy of the set of six "marked up" A4 sheets referred to in the paragraph immediately above at the following www location:

During the three month or so period immediately following my October 19th 2015 meeting with Louise Moley, I sent the four items of correspondence listed just below, which were addressed primarily to her: a) partly for the purpose of keeping her informed regarding my changing situation, b) partly to keep her informed of my own personal efforts to try and resolve the difficulties I was experiencing, and c) partly in the hope that she would provide me with legal advice and representation regarding the matters in question. Copies of the four items of correspondence have been placed in the enclosed A4 holders listed below:

H 4) Registered Letter dated November 5th 2015: "Request for additional legal advice" (Sent by W. Finnerty).

Internet copy at:

H 5) December 14th 2015 PDF Email: "File to be submitted to the PPS (Public Prosecution Service)" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

H 6) December 23rd 2015 PDF Email: "Belongings of mine being held by Clanrye Properties" (Sent by W. Finnerty).  
Internet copy at:

H 7) January 18th 2016 PDF Email: No "Right to an effective remedy in practice?" (Sent by W. Finnerty).
Internet copy at:

There are also a number of additional emails, addressed primarily to people other than Louise Moley, which I copied to her by including her address in the "Cc" recipient lists, for reasons similar to those related above in this section. Copies of most of these other emails, not referred to directly in this January 28th 2017 letter, are available in the list provided on the front page of the web site at the following www location:

An additional, and an entirely new set of legal problems very suddenly arose for me on November 16th 2015, which involved a murder attempt on my life at 31 Kilmorey Street, Newry . In connection with this event, I instructed Louise Moley in the manner related in my December 23rd 2015 email to her, which is referred to under NOTE #5 above. From my viewpoint, it appears that Ms Moley never took any action of any kind on my behalf regarding the instruction of mine contained in the 2nd paragraph of Page 2 of my December 23rd 2015 email to her.

In a general way, my complaint against Louise Moley, and Ronan McGuigan, is that instead of providing me with the kind of legal representation I sought from McGuigan and Malone Solicitors, they 1) failed to provide it, and 2) appear to me to have decided to threaten me with  legal action relating to defamation when I sent my "First Step of Law Society's Complaints Procedure" to Louise Moley by registered post on June 23rd 2016 (a copy of which has been placed in the enclosed A4 holder marked H 9). Evidence of this threat to take legal action against me can be found in the copies of the two letters referred to at b) and e) under NOTE #3 above. The threats, in both items of correspondence, the first dated June 28th 2016, and the second dated August 19th 2016, appear in the final paragraphs of the letter texts. Printed copies, and Internet copies of both items, have been placed in the enclosed A4 holders, and at the www locations listed just below:

H 10) June 28th 2016 "Your Case" (Sent by Ronan McGuigan).
Internet copy at:

H 13) August 19th 2016: "RE: YOUR COMPLAINT (Louise Moley Email) / PDF Attachment (pp McGuigan Malone).  
Internet copy at:


NOTE #8 ("Reasons for your Complaint"):

Allowing for the threats of legal action that have been made against me, referred to above under NOTE #7, and which have NOT been withdrawn, I do not now know how I can safely go about trying to find a professional lawyer of the kind who 1) recognises the factual existence of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, and 2) has the willingness and the ability to use it on my behalf for my benefit and my protection.

I feel I should point out to you that I have already contacted the Northern Ireland Minister of Justice Claire Sugden MLA regarding the general set of problems associated with the contents of the paragraph immediately above. A scanned copy of my registered letter to her dated August 24th 2016, can be viewed at:

A scanned copy of Minister Sugden's reply to me, dated September 5th 2016, can be viewed at:

In addition, there is a scanned copy of a very closely related letter dated September 20th 2016 from Mr Sean Kerr, Private Secretary to Northern Ireland Minister of Finance Máirtín Ó Muilleoir MLA at:

As can be seen at the www location immediately above, the Sean Kerr letter appears to suggest (to me) that my very long-standing and extreme difficulty with trying to find a professional human rights lawyer, or law firm, that 1) recognises the factual existence of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, and 2) has the willingness and the ability to use it on my behalf for my benefit and protection, should best be directed to The Law Society of Northern Ireland, and not to Justice Minister Sugden, or to Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir MLA. Before I make any further attempts to find legal representation for myself, this is a matter I would very much like to have clarified by The Law Society of Northern Ireland please.


NOTE #9 ("Solution you would prefer"):

The solution I would prefer is that I be provided with the services of a professional lawyer who 1) recognises the factual existence of Article 47 of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, and 2) is willing and able to use it on my behalf for the purpose of providing me with "an effective remedy" for the large and steadily growing set of legal, medical, financial and social  difficulties I am at present struggling with, and which I have already been struggling with for a period of several years now.

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To Whom It May Concern Letter dated October 28th 2005 from Dr Michael McCavert GP
(Item 15 on List)


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