William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>


William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 11:45 AM

To: Radius Housing Area Manager Keelan McGaghran <keelan.mcgaghran@radiushousing.org>, Radius Housing Association Officer Deborah Sparks <deborah.sparks@radiushousing.org> Radius Housing Association Welfare Adviser Cathy Jackson <Cathy.Jackson@radiushousing.org>, Radius Housing Association Housing Officer John Cairnduff <john.cairnduff@radiushousing.org>, Radius Scheme Co-ordinator Ina Ferguson <I.Ferguson@radiushousing.org>, "John McLean, Chief Executive Officer of Radius Housing Association" <john.mclean@radiushousing.org>

Cc: "Ms Louise Arthurs at The Northern Ireland Law Centre, Belfast" <Louise.Arthurs@lawcentreni.org>, Housing Rights Adviser Yolande Robertson-Greene <Yolande@housingrights.org.uk>,  "The Officer in Charge at the Northern Ireland Appeals Service (Ref: Case Number BE/6784/19/45/O)" <appeals.service.belfast@communities-ni.gov.uk>, Dr David Cheyne GP via Belfast Reception 147 <Reception.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Andrea Lowry, Surgery Practice Manager 147" <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Dr Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer, Northern Ireland Department of Health" <michael.mcbride@health-ni.gov.uk>, Northern Ireland Minister of Justice Naomi Long MLA <naomi.long@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, <naomi.long@allianceparty.org >, Northern Ireland Minister of Health Robin Swann MLA <robin.swann@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP <matt.hancock.mp@parliament.uk>, <england.contactus@nhs.net>, UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland The Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP <brandon.lewis.mp@parliament.uk>, UK Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland QC MP <robert.buckland.mp@parliament.uk>, <correspondence@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk>, UK Attorney-General Ms Suella Braverman MP <suella.braverman.mp@parliament.uk>, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP <boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk>, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel MP <withammp@parliament.uk>, GCHQ <info@gchq.gov.uk>, <gchq@gchq.gov.uk>, British Monarchy <webeditor@royal.gsx.gov.uk>, Clinical Psychologist and UK Shadow Spokesperson for Mental Health Dr Lisa Cameron MP <lisa.cameron.mp@parliament.uk>, "First Minister of Northern Ireland Arlene Foster (Lawyer) LL.B. MLA" <arlene.foster@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, arlene@arlenefoster.org.uk, Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O'Neill MLA  <michelle.oneill@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Claire Hanna MP (Local SDLP Belfast UK MP)" <claire.hanna.mp@parliament.uk>, <claire.hanna@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, Ruairi McMenamin <claire.hanna@co.niassembly.gov.uk>, "David Alexander, Senior Case Work Officer, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman's Office" <nipso@nipso.org.uk>, Belfast Housing Benefit Manager Colette McCorry <Colette.McCorry@nihe.gov.uk>, Tracy Gibb <Tracey.Gibb@nihe.gov.uk>, Belfast Community Outreach Officer Ms Corrina Hogan <Corrina.Hogan@dfcni.gov.uk>, makethecall@dfcni.gov.uk, "Joanne Gordon, Northern Ireland State Pension Credit Disputes Team" <Joanne.Gordon@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>, Republic of Ireland Chief Justice Frank Clarke <SupremeCourt@courts.ie>, "Lawyer Brendan M. Glynn B.B.S., LL.B. at Patrick Hogan & Co (Solicitors), Ballinasloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland" <brendan@phoganandco.com>, Barrister John V. Glynn B.C.L. at Patrick Hogan & Co <johnglynn@phoganandco.com>, Patrick Hogan & Company Solicitors <info@phogan.ie>, Ciara O'Brien <cpobrien@hayes-solicitors.ie>, Cian Clinch (Lawyer) <cclinch@hayes-solicitors.ie>, "Lawyer David Phelan, Managing Partner at Hayes Solicitors" <dphelan@hayes-solicitors.ie>,  Republic of Ireland Health Minister Simon Harris TD <simonharris@oireachtas.ie>, "Dr Deirdre Mulryan (Medical Doctor, Senior Registrar, and Psychotherapist) at Ballinasloe Health Service Executive Day Hospital, at Hotmail Email Account)" <deemulryan@hotmail.co.uk>, Joy Donohue NZ <donofam1@xtra.co.nz>, "John Mackell, Director of Client (Solicitor) Complaints at The Law Society of Northern Ireland" <John.mackell@lawsoc-ni.org>, "Mary Bradley, Northern Ireland Law Society Executive Officer, Client Complaints Department" <Mary.Bradley@lawsoc-ni.org>, "Dr. Frank Geddis, Head of Research and Policy, Northern Ireland Law Society" <Frank.Geddis@lawsoc-ni.org>,  Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland Richard Lionel Clarke <worship@ireland.anglican.org>, The Most Reverend Archbishop of Armagh and Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland Eamon Martin <info@catholiccommunications.ie>, Pope Francis 2nd <ornet@ossrom.va>, "Psychiatric Nurse Helen Elder at Wellbeing Mental Health Hub for Counselling (Woodstock Lodge, Belfast)" <helen.elder@hscni.net>, Primary Care Talking Therapies and Wellbeing Hub Councillor Peter Pallin <peterpallin@gmail.com>, "Common Mental Health Hub for Counselling (Belfast), Paris Number 501708, H&C Number 4867045144" <enquiry.hscb@hscni.net>, "Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Lauren Edgar and Community Psychiatric Nurse Carmel Reilly at Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Carmel.Reilly@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Yvonne McCambley, Secretary to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell, MB Bch BAO, MD, FRCPsych" <yvonne.mccambley@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Republic of Ireland President and Principal Guardian of Republic of Ireland's Constitution Dr Michael D Higgins" <michaeldtd@gmail.com>, Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Micheal Martin TD <micheal.martin@oireachtas.ie>, Former Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Dr Leo Varadkar TD <leo.varadkar@oireachtas.ie>, President of Sinn Fein Mary Lou McDonald TD <marylou.mcdonald@oireachtas.ie>, Republic of Ireland Minister for Justice Helen McEntee <helen.mcentee@oir.ie>, Former Republic of Ireland Minister for Justice and Equality Charles Flanagan TD <charles.flanagan@oir.ie>, Open News <rob@opednews.com>, "Republic of Ireland Loughrea-Based Garda (Policeman) Brendan Quirke QA 517, Garda Brendan Keyes, Garda (Policewoman) Lorretta Cregg and Garda (Police) Superintendent Sean Glynn" <loughrea.districtoffice@garda.ie>, "Chief Police Commissioner of An Garda Siochana (Republic of Ireland Police Force) Drew Harris" <Commissioner@garda.ie>,  "The Officer in Charge at Northern Ireland Justice Department, Case Ref: COR/1248/2016" <private.office@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk>, Northern Ireland PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne <information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>,  "Former UK Secretary of State for Justice, The Rt Hon David Gauke MP" <gauked@parliament.uk>, Brendan Kelly <brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie>, Philomena Cornu <cornu@optusnet.com.au>, Galway County Council Environment Officer Natasha Burke <environment@galwaycoco.ie>, UK Main Opposition Labour Party Leader Sir Keir Starmer MP <keir.starmer.mp@parliament.uk>, Former UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn MP <jeremy.corbyn.mp@parliament.uk>, "RT (Russia Today) TV" <producers@rttv.ru>,  "U.S. President Donald Trump"  <president@whitehouse.gov>, United States of America NSA Acquisition Resource Centre <nsaarc@nsaarc.net>, Republic of Ireland Portumna-Based Garda Sergeant Bridget Shelly <bridget.m.shelly@garda.ie>, Dr John Kilraine GP <jkilraine@mainstreetclinic.net>, Dr John O'Reilly GP <Lakeshoremedicalcentre@hotmail.com>, "Dr. Marcella Finnerty" <marcella@iicp.ie>, "Lawyer Sheenagh MacCarthy - Partner at Loughrea Law-Firm F.G. MacCarthy" <law@fgmaccarthy.com>, Book Author Fr Tom O' Connor <info@handofhistory.com>, "UK Mental Health Awareness Week Organisers, 13-19 May 2019" <press@mentalhealth.org.uk>, Legal Help for Whistleblowers <info@whistleblower.co.uk>, Cormac Keenan <cormac@keenanlaw.co.uk>, Belfast Lawyer Brian Kelly <info@briankellysolicitors.com>, Francis Donohue <francis.donohue@icloud.com>, East County Galway-Based Auctioneer and Valuer Vincent Costello <info@vincentcostello.com>,  The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell Fontelles <cab-borrell-fontelles-contact@ec.europa.eu>, Belfast Telegraph Newspaper <writeback@belfasttelegraph.co.uk>, Irish Times Editor <newsdesk@irishtimes.com>, BBC Northern Ireland <haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk>, "Lawyer, Researcher, and Veteran RTE Broadcaster Dr Miriam O'Callaghan" <newsdesk@rte.ie>, "Des Smyth, Garbally College, Years 1958-1963" <jdsmyth@eircom.net>, William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>, Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>, Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family <siobhan510@bigpond.com>, "Heritage Matters, and the Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla (Loughcrew, Turoe, Tara, Carrickfergus, Ulster)" <ollamhfodhla@yahoo.co.uk>  

Bcc: William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Mr Keelan McGaghran
Area Housing Manager
Radius Housing Association
38-52 Lisburn Road
BT9 6AA 

Dear Mr McGaghran,


Thank you for your letter dated November 10th 2020, a scanned copy of which I have placed at the following www location:

Following a meeting I had last Friday with Belfast Social Worker Tina Millar, and Belfast Community Psychiatric Nurse Briana Bloomer, I have decided that it would not be appropriate for me to give up possession of the Radius Housing property I am living in at the present time, without a Court Order. This is mainly on account of the fact that the Northern Ireland Appeals Service has not yet reached any decision (that I know of) relating to either of the two appeals I have lodged with them regarding 1) the very sudden and unexpected cancellation (without any warning and without any advance notification) of my Pension Credit payments on March 21st 2019, which was followed some months later by 2) the cancellation of my Housing Benefit payments.

Also, Ms Millar and Ms Bloomer informed me last Friday that they have recently had discussions with a man named "Ronnie" at the Northern Ireland Law Centre (https://www.lawcentreni.org/), and a man named "Martin" at Housing Rights (https://www.housingrights.org.uk/) regarding my general situation. These discussions were (I believe) closely related to the fact that, on October 2nd 2020, and at Social Worker Tina Millar's request, I handed her a copy of a 230 page "appeal response" letter dated September 27th 2019, which I had much earlier received from the Northern Ireland Pension Centre.

Ms Millar also informed me last Friday that she has sent a copy of the 230 page "appeal response" letter dated September 27th 2019, referred to in the paragraph immediately above, to the Law Centre (using one of the "registered letter" postal services); and -- as I understand it -- she is now hopeful that having done so, it will result in a meeting with the Law Centre which both I, and Ms Millar, will be able to attend: for the purpose of discussing certain parts of the 230 page "appeal response" letter dated September 27th 2019.

Further information relating to Social Worker Tina Millar and Community Psychiatric Nurse Briana Bloomer, and the reasons for their involvement with my case, can be found in the copy of the email of mine to the Northern Ireland Appeals Service at:

I am now waiting to hear from Social Worker Tina Millar regarding the time and the venue of the planned-for meeting with the Law Centre referred to above.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.
Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
FACEBOOK Timeline:

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         END OF EMAIL TEXT   


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"Radius Housing", "William Finnerty":

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(February 26th 2016 General Election Day in Republic of Ireland)




"Pistols for two Rostov, and coffee for one."


Which of the two  "political systems"  will  "the people"  of the world end up with?






















The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age

 (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible."

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totalitarianism
 "Constitutionalism   is descriptive of a complicated concept, deeply imbedded in historical experience, which subjects the officials who exercise governmental powers to the limitations of a higher law. Constitutionalism proclaims the desirability of the rule of law (based on constitutional law, and laws connected with the Charter of the United Nations, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights for example)  as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment or mere fiat of public officials…. Throughout the literature dealing with modern public law and the foundations of statecraft the central element of the concept of constitutionalism is that in political society government officials are not free to do anything they please in any manner they choose; they are bound to observe both the limitations on power and the procedures which are set out in the supreme, constitutional law of the community. It may therefore be said that the touchstone of constitutionalism is the concept of limited government under a higher law." 

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutionalism
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"As the adve'sawies have wefused a weconciliation, please pwoceed. Take your pistols, and at the word thwee, ... War and Peace ..."

By Russian Author  Leo Tolstoy 

Related Internet Search Engine List:
"Leo Tolstoy, Abraham Lincoln, Human Rights Ireland ..."
Related Indymedia (Ireland) Comment:
by W. Finnerty Thu May 16, 2013 12:30
Please note that, for technical reasons beyond my control, the dozen or so "Internet Hyperlinks" provided in the "Related Open News Topics" section below will appear as "dead text" in this "Indymedia (Ireland)" comment. However, the original "live working" versions of these hyperlinks can be found (and used) in the edition of the message-text at the www address provided above; and, they were included in this morning's e-mail to the United Nations because, between them, they seem (to me) to provide a pretty good indication/"feel" of just how MASSIVE, VARIED, WIDESPREAD, and DEEPLY ENTRENCHED, the global "government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity" problem really is at the present time: and, most important of all perhaps, I think they also, as a set, supply a tangible "handle" (of sorts) on the very slimy, very extensive, and often very blurred "DENIAL (genuine and/or pretend) MINDSET PROBLEM", which continues to so powerfully, and frequently INVISIBLY, and often from "way behind the scenes", to "fuel and drive" the whole accelerating global phenomenon of "government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity". Has anything really changed fundamentally among the arrogant/ignorant/stupid "ruling elites" (i.e. the "human tin-gods" who are trying to "play GOD" and making complete fools of themselves in the process), I often find myself asking myself, since the days (in the 1400s AD) of the "Borgias Pope Family" in Holy Rome: "The Original Crime Family of The Vatican", as they have been labelled by some?'

'A bit like other aspects of the universe itself perhaps, it may be that this particularly nasty MINDSET "type social problem" (as I see it), in very large part a human-brain "software problem" I suspect, which I have long viewed as a major threat for "humanity as a whole", and maybe even for the whole of "Life on Earth" possibly -- when and if the constantly-lurking risk, above and below the surface of the Earth (particularly in the oceans of our World), of "the makings" of a  "Hell on Earth" Thermonuclear World War Three   is taken into account -- is a problem that is half-invisibly expanding outwards (and inwards as well at the same time in its particular case!!) at something approaching the speed of light? Or at least the speed of sound perhaps, and with much of the credit for the "expansion in all directions" due to the bankster owned/controlled MSM (Main Stream Media).'
The two excerpts just above formed part of an Indymedia (Ireland) comment made on Thursday May 16th, 2013 at 12:30.
The full Thursday May 16th 2013 12:30 Indymedia (Ireland) comment which the excerpts were taken from can be viewed at:


BACKUP COPY:  http://www.humanrightsireland.com/IndyMediaIreland/7November2013/Post.htm#comment295708
Related Link 1:
"Borgias, Pope Alexander VI, 1492–1503, Vatican, government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity ..."
 Related Link 2: 
" The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age, Human Rights Ireland ..." 

Bratach na hÉireann


(Flag of the Republic of Ireland)



Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland):

"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."








 "technological advances" and the Third Global Diaspora Forum: 




"Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray ...

... that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."


The two pieces of text just above are from two different speeches made by former
President of the Republic of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln.


Abraham Lincoln (16th US President): Born on February 12th 1809; Died April 15th 1865.
(Assassinated by a single bullet fired into the back of his head at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC on the evening of April 14th 1865)


"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go."


"My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."


Abraham Lincoln




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